Showing posts with label Book by Sumir Sharma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book by Sumir Sharma. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2020

World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 3

World History Series 3 is the third book of the series - (Click to open the embedded link). The earlier ones are as follows


World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 1


World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 2


The third book in the series was released on 28-04-2020. The book contains the following lessons.

Chapter 1: American Revolution

Chapter 2: French Revolution

Chapter 3: Congress of Vienna

It gives me pleasure to share this as a fact that Chapter 2 is a replica of my earlier blog post. The blog posts on the French Revolution is one of the most visited and commented on posts. It can be checked at the following link.


The Kindle edition of this book is also released. One can access the Kindle edition by a Click HERE. 

Catalogue of the books written by Sumir Sharma on Amazon

Sunday, April 5, 2020


My new book “WORLD HISTORY – A SELECTIVE AND LIMITED CONTENT SERIES – TWO” is now available on the Google Play.

The URL of the book is

This is the second book in the series. The URL of the first book is

With this book, I have released two books on Google Playbooks directly. It means that these books are not available at Amazon.

One of the significant reasons for abstaining from releasing this book on Amazon is that these books are without any charges to the buyer on the Playbooks. I intend to keep it free for some time. It can not be done on Amazon. One has to approach them and put your case to make your book free. It is what I have learnt from my reading of some books which are written by such authors who also run coaching courses for the writers.

There are many reasons for keeping it free. The books are mainly textbooks. They pertain to the specific syllabus. They are not major work. Their readers have a specific need, and the books are framed with that need in mind. They are meant for the students. Therefore, there are many reasons and constraints which do not allow to keep the price on them.

The other reason is of formatting. In the case of Kindle Publishing, I have faced some problems. It looks nice that when one formats the book on Kindle Create, nothing much is required to be done after that. However, the formatting takes time on Kindle Create. When one writes a manuscript, different methods are adopted. A Non-Fiction writer deals with an argument, or with some facts and data; such issues are dealt with separately. It is at a later stage that the content is built in the main manuscript, and organic unity is imparted to the whole manuscript. Through all such efforts, a writer reads the manuscripts again and again. During the process, the author develops his signature style in which the author formats the manuscript. When the author is satisfied with the manuscript, and he moves to publish it on Kindle Direct Publishing, it is my understanding the safest bet is to go through Kindle Create software. In Kindle Create Software, many aspects of the style are demolished in the Kindle Create which one has used in MS Word.

Anyhow, I have not abandoned Amazon. I will not do that. I am presently going with Google. There is another crucial reason behind it. In India, if you insist on a particular matrix, then you are marked as doing PR for a particular group. Secondly, you can not direct anybody to follow a specific path. Google is popular in India. In India, it is the dominating narrative which has the right to be called the true intellect. So, the best thing is Google, and so I go with Google.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Going for Google Play Books this time

I have launched my new book on books google. It is now available for purchase for ₹ 0/-. In other words, it is free to download. The Google Preview is also active.

The title is “World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series – One”.

The book is not presently available on Amazon and Kindle. I have not published it through Kindle Direct Publishing. All my earlier books were first published on Kindle Direct Publishing. However, this time I have picked Google Books.

It is apparent from the title of the book that it is a part of a series. I am going to publish the remaining part of the series very soon.

The publishing of the book on Google Play Books is a pleasant experience. However, it has to be recognized that the skills of changing a manuscript into a printable book format are acquired while working with Kindle Direct Publishing. Hence, the credit goes to KDP for imparting the skill.

Let me collect the finer points of Google Playbooks.

The pricing is a crucial aspect in self-publishing. In the case of Google Play Books, you can continue to sell your book free of cost for weeks together. You do not have to contact the Google people to make such changes. In the case of KDP, the free period is allowed only for five days for a slot of six months.

The second important aspect of pricing is that you can fix it at any amount. One wants to sell the book for ₹1/-. One can do it. In the case of KDP, it is not there. In the case of KDP, your lowest price can only be ₹ 49/-. If it is reduced, then it is the prerogative of KDP.

Response Time:
The response time in the case of Google is quick. They ask for 24 hours. However, the changes happen in less than one hour. For a writer, who is a self-Publishing author, the feature is really useful. A writer can not work by carrying the weight of luggage of pending tasks. It acts as a dampener.

KDP people are also fast. However, in some cases, I had to follow them up for the required changes. One of the issues is still pending for the last six months.

Simpler Uploading:
The uploading process for Google Books is simple. No doubt, there are hidden intricacies. Once, one has understood those intricacies; then it is a smooth ride.

The KDP uploading process is also simple. It passes through three stages. They claim that it will take less than 5 minutes to publish your book. However, that is not true. It takes time.

Real-Time Backup:
The Google chat feature is a commendable one, and the team behind it quite knowledgeable and intuitive. You can get real-time solutions from them.

In the case of KDP, you have to write them an email. You can talk to them on the phone on a real-time basis. However, there remains the problem of time zone difference. Secondly, I have never tried that channel.

On the whole, it is a pleasant experience with Google Books publishing. I have seen that they participate in getting to an effective display. Well, that is my view. It is another thing that I do not appreciate their e-marketing matrix under Adword programme. I have even doubted their analytics which they present. However, presently, I am quite appreciative of their Google Play Books. Is it not?

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Google Preview of Sumir's books is available now

All my books are presently available on Amazon sites.

Now, almost all my books published so far have become available on the Google Books site. Previews of those books are also alive.

The Preview of all my books can be seen up to 60 per cent of the total written material. Thirty per cent of that Preview can also be Copy Paste.

Readers who do not want to buy my book but want to use the contents of those books can now access my books by visiting the site of Google Books.

You have to go to Fill in the search term "Sumir Sharma" in the search window. My books will come in your search result. Click on the title thumbnail of the book that you are interested in, and you will see the Preview.

For the readers, I am giving below URLs of some of my books whose Preview is available on Google Books. The URLs are embedded in the title of the books listed below. All you have to do is to click on the title of the book. Your browser will take you to the Google Books site of the book.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Hybrid Volume of Essays on Modern India Historiography (Hindi Edition)

यह पुस्तक Essays on The Modern India Historiography का ही एक रूप है| इस में English में लिखे matter का प्रति पैराग्राफ पर विचार सामग्री का हिंदी रूप भी दिया गया है|

इस पुस्तक को द्विभाषी पुस्तक कहा है| यह कोई विलक्षण यां अटपटी कृति नहीं है| Gita Press Gorakhpur के द्वारा प्रकाशित संत तुलसी दास की लिखी रामचरित्र मानस में संत तुलसी ही भाषा का हिंदी रूप हर चौपाई के बाद दिया गया है| उस के वाचन करता न केवल संत वाणी में परन्तु हिंदी में भी करते और भजते हैं| सभी श्रधालुयों को अगर संत जी की बोली समझ नहीं आती पर वह हिंदी में लिखी वाणी से राम गुणगान का सौभाग्य प्राप्त करते हैं| इसी प्रकार ऐसी कई प्रशस्तियाँ हैं जो एक ही बात को एक ही जगह पर दो अलग भाषाओं में प्रसारित करती हैं|

नवीन शिक्षा पश्चिमी दर्शन और साहित्य से प्रभावित है| उस में दिए गये विषय पश्चिमी साहित्य में उपलब्ध रहते हैं| हिंदी भाषी विद्यार्थी गूढ़ और अव्यक्त सिधान्तों को विदेशी भाषा में समझने से चूक जाते हैं| किसी स्तर पर उन्हें अंग्रजी में व्यक्त भावों को उसी भाषा में ही निपटना पड़ता है जहाँ वह खुद को ठगा सा पाते हैं| अगर एक ही बात उन्हें अंग्रेज़ी और हिंदी में पढ़ने को मिल जाय तो वह विश्वास से हर प्रश्न को निपटते हैं|

इस हाइब्रिड वॉल्यूम की रचना इसी योजना और विचार से की गई है| वैसे इस का अंग्रजी रूप और हिंदी रूप अपने अलग रूपों में भी उपलब्ध है जिस के link images नीचे दिए गए हैं|

आप से यह निवेदन है की आप इस प्रकार की रचना पर अपने विचार अवश्य प्रगट करें जिस आप comment section में लिख सकते हैं|

Read the Preview Here

Catalogue of Books by Sumir Sharma

Thursday, November 14, 2019

आधुनिक भारत हिस्टोरियोग्राफी पर निबंध संग्रह

अगस्त 25, 2019, को Essays on Modern India पत्रक में यह सन्देश प्रकाशित हुया था कि उस में चर्चित पुस्तक का हिंदी प्ररूप जल्द ही प्रकाशित किया जायेगा| उसी सन्देश की बात को सत्य करते हुए यहाँ उस हिंदी में लिखी पुस्तक की प्रकाशित होने की सूचना प्रसारित की गई है|

आधुनिक भारत हिस्टोरियोग्राफी पर निबंध संग्रह पुस्तक Essays on Modern India पुस्तक का हिंदी प्ररूप है| इस में पांच अध्याय हैं जो कि इस प्रकार हैं|

1. अध्याय 1: आधुनिक भारत की ऐतिहासिकता - एक परिचय

2. अध्याय 2: आधुनिक भारत के साम्राज्यवादी इतिहासकार

3. अध्याय 3: आधुनिक भारत के राष्ट्रवादी इतिहासकार

4. अध्याय 4: आधुनिक भारत के मार्क्सवादी इतिहासकार

5. अध्याय 5: भारत में उपनिवेशवाद पर इतिहास लेखन

6. ग्रंथ सूची

इस पुस्तक को Kindle Create के नवीनतम रूप Version पर सम्पादित किया गया है| इस पुस्तक की पाण्डुलिपि को UTF – 8 में Google Input tools से लिखा गया है| यह उम्मीद की जाती है कि छात्रों एवं अन्य पाठकों को Kindle eBook के सभी softwares पर पढ़ने में आसानी होगी|

पाठकों से निवेदन है कि पुस्तक पर टिप्पणी amazon की site पर पुस्तक के पृष्ठ पर दर्ज करें|

Catalogue of the Books writtenby Sumir Sharma

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Reason For Not Posting Any New Post For Long on this Blog

I have not stopped reading.

I have not stopped writing.

I have not remained away from this blog. I had watched it regularly.

I have not stopped blogging.

I have read new books during the period of absence from this blog. I consider reading and writing complementary to each other. I have written a post on my Author Platform on this aspect.

When I read a book, I always write on it in my diaries. It is another thing that after migrating to the Kindle reader, I have been writing in the note section of the Kindle. However, that cannot be called writing. I write private notes on whatsoever I read. It is a rule, but sometimes, I do not maintain my practice. However, I have observed that making small notes on Kindle is also a way of writing. The act of writing annotations is one part of writing and growth of understanding. Many self-improvement writers have suggested the methods of creating tags while reading. It is a practice which is followed by highly placed executives, lawyers, journalists, judges, scientists and others. In short, I am still writing. I have not posted any article for long on this blog. But I read and write during this period. I have already revealed in the previous paragraph that I have written on my other blog, which is titled "Author Page of Sumir Sharma". No doubt, I have started a new blog, and it is one of the reasons that I have remained away from this blog.

I want to reiterate one thing. I have remained sincere to my basic norm and ethic. I read, and I wrote. I would like to emphasis one aspect on this norm of reading and writing as one thing having two inseparable sites. There was a paradigm shift during this period. Let me share it here.

I have reviewed many books on self-improvement on this blog. Among many readers, there is a doubt about the efficacy and utility of such titles. It is a different issue. I would instead like to move to the point which I desire to make here. While living the course of synchronizing reading and writing, I have already emerged as a self-publishing author. A self-publishing author has to perform multiple tasks on his own even if he or she takes up the help of the supporting expertise of others. Borrowing a message of an editor, who herself is a self-publishing authoress, I found that such authors have to perform a work of a CEO of a company. They have to attend to the work of production, which is their first role, then, they do the publishing, then the marketing and the finance involved in all these activities and finally no doubt, the actual profit made out of all that.

On being emerging as a self-publishing author, the content of my reading also underwent a shift. I collected and read books on writing methods, writing skills, marketing of the books and related issue. During the course of such a reading activity, I would like to mention the titles of Derek Doepker who wrote “Why Authors Fail – 17 Mistakes Self-published Authors Make That Sabotage Their Success And How to Fix Them”; “Writing A Book A Week”, by Alex Foster, “How I Sold 80,000 Books, Book Marketing for Authors” by Alinka Rutkowska and many other related books and supporting self-improvements. I have not written any review on them. However, the reading of those books had left deep scratches on my brain, which influenced my vision of raising myself as a self-publishing author. There were many suggestions, a bundle of information, tonnes of data and different facts. I was able to appreciate many things written in those books.

 I believe I am not capable or grown enough to value some of the suggestions. Some of the advice, I think are not practicable for me in India where I live. However, a quantum of impact was there. I developed an understanding that as a writer, I must connect to readers through different media apart from the contents of my book. The aspiration of writing a perfect novel which entraps the attention of the whole world is an idea which is a delusion. If one can write a book, that thing is in itself an excellent thing to do. If the book is read even by a half a dozen readers who are not known to you, then you are a success. On Amazon and through Kindle, your book is at least open by the members of Kindle Unlimited. Even if, that happens, then as a writer, you are a success.

From the churning of words done by other authors on marketing, I picked the suggestion of connecting to readers apart from your book. There are numerous methods which are being suggested. Blogging is one of that. One of the tips is to develop an Author Page or Author Platform. If it is the message in the suggestion, and if I have understood it rightly, then It was what I did in-between.  I created two blogs instead. They are as follows.

The blog Author Page is a general blog. Herein, the author talks to the reader about the topics relating to writing, writing skills, the methods of writing and related issue.

The Platform of Golden Kit is for a specific book of the author. In the blog, the author discusses the content of the book and issues related to the activity.

During these developments, I have derived some conclusions. They may interest many.

I have learned that the Self-Improvement books are not an inferior form of literature as some readers and discussions on this genre suggest. The style of Self-Improvement books in the genre of Non-fictional literature is a substantial cerebral activity. It relates to your present-day life. It provides solutions to the issues and problems which are real.

The second observation is that blogging is not a redundant thing. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube are the present-day buzz word. They have created a lot of commotion and blogging is sidelined in the din which has been raised. The activity has an intrinsic strength which would ensure its continuity. It is a meaningful activity which has its value. Too many people have ridden the waves of the cyber sea and raising a noise of their underdeveloped brains. Thumping the keypad with thumbs are far less productive than using all the fingers on the keyboard. The input methods may change, but the discourse which can be given through blogging is far ahead than the rest of the mediums. Even on Youtube, an over voice is needed. A stream of visuals may not be liked for long.

As far as the writers and readers are concerned, blogging can be an excellent platform to interact.

All such thoughts, readings, writings and activities are the reason behind my absence from this blog. I am here, and I will continue to post on this blog.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Combo Volume of The History of Constitution of India: The Charter Acts during the Company rule in India 1773 - 1858

A Combo Volume of The History of Constitution of India: The Charter Acts during the Company rule in India 1773 - 1858

यह पुस्तक नई पुस्तक नहीं है| यह पुस्तक मेरी पहली पुस्तकों का संयुक्त प्रकाशन है| इस पुस्तक में मेरी पहले से ही उपलब्ध दो पुस्तकों का सम्पादित संकलन है| इस संकलन में दो पुस्तकें इस प्रकार हैं|

History of Constitution of India: Charter Acts during the Company rule in India 1773 – 1858| यह पुस्तक अंग्रेज़ी में लिखी हुई है| इस का ASIN B07DFR9KD3 है| इस पुस्तक का paperback भी उपलब्ध है|

भारत के संविधान का इतिहास: भारत में कंपनी शासन के समय के चार्टर अधिनियम 1773 – 1858”, ASIN no B07FN71L62 दूसरी पुस्तक है| यह पुस्तक हिंदी में है|

दोनों पुस्तकों का विषयवस्तु एक ही है| परन्तु यह दोनों पुस्तकें एक दूसरे का अनुवाद नहीं है|

इस प्रकार के संकलन को उपलब्ध करने का एक आधार है| भारत में छात्र हिंदी में वार्तालाप करतें हैं परन्तु उन को अपने विषय के संबंध में विषय सामग्री अंग्रेज़ी साहित्य में ज्यादा उपलब्ध रहती है| इसी के साथ ही उन को कई परीक्षायों में अंग्रेज़ी का ही प्रयोग करना होता है| कहीं ना कहीं उन को अंग्रेज़ी साहित्य में वह स्पष्टता नहीं मिल पाती जिस की उन्हें आवश्यकता होती है| अगर वही बात उन्हें हिंदी में भी पता चल जाये तो उन का विषय का बोध और उस पर पकड़ गहरी हो जाती है| इसी विचार और आधार पर इस संयुक्त संकलन को उपलब्ध कराया गया है|

इस में आप को एक पुस्तक में दो पुस्तकें उपलब्ध कराई गई हैं|

Essays on Modern India Historiography

The Essays on Modern India Historiography is my latest book. Nitish Sachdeva is a co-author of the book.

The contains five essays. The titles of those essays are as follows.

Chapter 1: Historiography of Modern India – An Introduction

Chapter 2: Imperialist Historians of Modern India

Chapter 3: Nationalist Historians of Modern India

Chapter 4: Marxists Historians of Modern India

Chapter 5: Historiography of Colonialism in India


There is a story behind writing the book. Nitish Sachdeva was my student. He pursued M. A. History course in my college. The college is affiliated to Punjab University Chandigarh. In the syllabus of History in the Punjab University, there is no course at undergraduate level which covers the historiography. Even in postgraduate courses, it was a single phrase of Historiography was related to the papers which form the part of the course. In the fourth semester of postgraduate studies, there are two papers related to historiography and methods of history. It was during one of the lectures, Nitish Sachdeva expressed the view that the nature of the paper was such that it should have been taught even in undergraduate classes. After that, he undertook a survey of the history courses of many universities and came back with the observation that there were many universities in which historiography was taught as a separate paper. Secondly, he expressed the view that such a paper was essential to learn about the actual nature of history. The view of Nitish Sachdeva is the foundation of the book. The view is further elaborated in the preface of the book.

The book is published in paperback format also. The ISBN is 13: 978-1085882729.

The Hindi version of the book will also be released very soon.

You are requested to read the preview by clicking here

Do me a favour by writing your response in the comment section at Amazon site of the book. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Sometimes you flaunt your report card

I am highly thankful to my readers from India and the USA. 

I am waiting for their reviews on Amazon from where they bought or downloaded the books. I am ready to see one star and a complete thrashing and bashing of the quality of my writing. 

Thanks once again, 


Friday, January 18, 2019

Methods to Publish a Hindi Book as an eBook on Kindle

मेरी  पुस्तक

"हिंदी में लिखी पुस्तक को स्वयं प्रकाशित करने की सुनहरी किताब"

हिंदी  में  लिखे  Manuscript को  eBook के  रूप  में  Amazon  पर  बेचने  की  विधि  पर है |  इस का  Thumbnail URL आगे  दिया  गया  है | 

सवि शर्मा और अमिश त्रिपाठी हाल के  ऐसे दो सफल और मक्बूल लेखक  हैं  जिन्होंने अपने लेखन का  प्रकाशन स्वयं प्रकाशन से शुरू किया|

Amazon पांच भारतीय भाषों में प्रकाशन करती है | Amazon हिंदी, गुजराती, मराठी, मलयालम और  तमिल में लिखी पुस्तकों का प्रकाशन KDP के माध्यम से करती है |

Amazon ने पहले  किताबों को ही  बेचने से अपना  व्यापर शुरू किया था | 2007 से Amazon ने Kindle नाम का E Reader और KDP शुरू किया था | Creative Space की साहयक Company से Amazon पेपरबैक भी छपता था  परन्तु  2018 में उस का काम KDP को दे दिया था | 

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Sunday, June 3, 2018

Bad Formatting has ruined the book.

 The lousy formatting has ruined the book.

Kindly note that the Hindi version of this book is live. It is available at the link 
The ASIN no is B07FN71L62. 

The statement is a comment on the book by Sumir Sharma, the author of this blog. The title of the book is “History of Constitution of India: Charter Acts and Company Rule in India”.

First, let us see the contents of the book.

It has eight chapters and two Appendix. They are as follows.
Chapter 1: The Brief History of the East India Company.
Chapter 2: The Regulating Act, 1773
Chapter 3: Pitt’s India Act, 1784
Chapter 4: Charter Act, 1793
Chapter 5: Charter Act, 1813
Chapter 6: Charter Act, 1833
Chapter 7: Charter Act, 1853
Chapter 8: Act of Better Government of India 1858

The book contains 78 printed pages of A4 size. However, it is presently available in ebook format. 

There are two Appendix. In Appendix I, there is an essay on the sources which are used for writing the contents of this book. In Appendix II, the suggestions are provided to make the book more interactive.

The book is developed as a textbook. It is written in a narrative style. On every topic, the content is written in point format. For the point format, it is meant that every paragraph explains its main heading. The paragraph is given a heading or a number. It helps in writing the answers in the examination. The purpose is that the readers and the students can quickly develop an answer to any question on the topics explained in the book.

When it is said that it is written in a narrative style, it means that the facts are given and explained. There is a less number of quotations and references to the document. It is a textbook which aims at helping the students to write an answer with confidence. Such a style of writing helps the student to focus on the core fact which is expected to be written. The author believes that first provide the fact. If the student reproduces the fact, then he or she explains the question. The quotations and references are an inseparable part of history writing. However, liberty is taken while framing the content and this aspect is omitted. It is called a narrative style by the author.

The book is written to fulfil the requirements of the students of the Post Graduate course in History of Punjab University. It meets the need of the Paper HIS 213: Constitutional Development in Modern India 1773 – 1947 Unit I and Paper HIS 211: Modern India Political Process, Unit III.

The content of the book is also relevant to the students of Indian Polity and Indian Constitution pursuing the course of Post Graduate in Political Science. It is also suitable for the students of Law course.

The content of the book is equally relevant to General Studies Main paper II. The content provides material for the first section which reads, “Indian Constitution – historical underpinnings, evolution …”

The book is also relevant for undergraduate classes honours course.

There is a need to mention the framework of the first chapter which is "The Brief History of the East India Company". In most of the popular textbooks, this topic is explained. In almost all the books, the story begins with the arrival of Portuguese in India. Many writers have started with earliest times of European history. In the case of this book, the chapter begins with the fundamental question. It has tried to answer that what made England organise a commercial corporation to trade with East Indies. It is followed by a brief survey of the ups and downs of the company up to 1773.

Now, something about the title of this post which is that "Bad formatting has ruined the book". The book is self-published by the author with Kindle Direct Publication. The KDP provides the software to format the manuscript for the book. The author has failed to make the right use of the software.

Further, there are many mistakes in the use of punctuation marks. In addition to that two or three lines are repeated at some places. This mistake has crept in due to the writing method of the author. The author generally writes his manuscript in Open Source Word processor. Then, he transfers it to MS word sheet. The reason is that KDP software gets added to MS Word as an add-on feature. The author also uses a grammar check software. Therefore, after writing an essay is shuttled between different software to make it readable. In this process, such a fault sneaks in.

In any case, the author plans to retain this book out on the sale on Amazon. It may help other self- publisher writers to watch for the shortcomings. Presently, I am not going to revise this book. However, I will rewrite it after a duration, and then I will remove the mistakes.

The book explains the Charter Acts as the historical background of the History of the Constitution of India. It is evident that my next volume will be on the legislation during the Crown rule in India. I will soon publish the relevant next volume. I am presently working on that volume.

I will also write the Hindi version of this volume and release it in June 2018.

To make this book interactive, I am going to reproduce a part of the book on my blog at I will attend to their queries related to the content of the book. I am ready to provide pdf copies of individual chapters to any reader free of cost who may require it for printing purpose. The relevant instructions are given in Appendix II.

An Update: The Book is now available in Print format also. However, it is available only in the USA, the UK, Demark, Spain, Italy and Japan. For Indians, it will cost too high. Kindly avail the epub format. If any page is required in printable format then kindly email me as instructed in Appendix II of the book. The ISBN number of the printed book is as follows: ISBN-13: 978-1983046834 ISBN-10: 1983046833

Second Update: The Paperback of the book is now available in India also. However, it is printed in the US and imported by Indian distributors. Therefore, the price is too high. It costs ₹565/- including taxes and courier charges. The link is given as follows:

Third update: The book has been reformatted. Kindly read the preview here. Do a favour by writing a comment on the Amazon page of this book and give a ranking.

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