Showing posts with label Adolf Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adolf Hitler. Show all posts

Friday, March 10, 2017

Adolf Hitler A Life from Beginning to End by Hourly History

Adolf Hitler - A Life from Beginning to End by Hourly History was made available on Amazon as a free of cost book. I have completed this reading on March 10, 2017, while reading the books by W. W. Atkinson. There is a holiday today as the Election Commission and the local district administration have taken over our premises for election purpose. On March 11, 2017, there will be counting. There is a holiday tomorrow also. Do the Election Commission and the district administration not have enough infrastructure to secure their material? Is it justifiable to disrupt one activity in name of doing a national activity? Probably, the education is not a national का मुरली मनोहर महकमा । We are definitely making a Skilled India. 

There are eight chapters. The first chapter is titled introduction. It contains the whole history in one chapter. It is like a summary before the book begins. The next six chapters provide you a glimpse into the life of Hitler. Some chapters give you details which one may not know about Hitler. Other chapters cover important issues hurriedly. A reader feels cheated. The Conclusion, the last chapter, is an opinion of the author who is behind the Hourly History. 

Yes, one can read the book in near about an hour. But, I undertook usual googling through the features available in the Kindle. No doubt, I digressed to some different topics on the internet while reading the new search. I found only Wikipedia entries worth reading. I was soon directed to some of the YouTube entries. They are quite informative. I did not care to look out for some serious reading on this topic.

Adolf wanted to be a  painter. I knew it. Adolf had a troubled childhood. This is a theory which has been otherwise emphasized in the western world. This is not a place to take up that issue. 

On the whole, it helps to revisit the contents which you may have studied during the academic years while pursuing a specified course or syllabus for exams. I do not find that this is a work which can be used as a reference material. It may provide one or two or even more than that count, some names and places to look out further. It is a brief biography. But, it can not be recommended for a serious study. 

There are many more titles which are provided as the free gifts on the internet. Many of them are provided by Hourly History series. I have downloaded these free gifts as per my interest and information which I already have. I will definitely read and write about the rest of them gradually in coming days.