Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Friday, May 29, 2020

World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 3

World History Series 3 is the third book of the series - (Click to open the embedded link). The earlier ones are as follows


World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 1


World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 2


The third book in the series was released on 28-04-2020. The book contains the following lessons.

Chapter 1: American Revolution

Chapter 2: French Revolution

Chapter 3: Congress of Vienna

It gives me pleasure to share this as a fact that Chapter 2 is a replica of my earlier blog post. The blog posts on the French Revolution is one of the most visited and commented on posts. It can be checked at the following link.


The Kindle edition of this book is also released. One can access the Kindle edition by a Click HERE. 

Catalogue of the books written by Sumir Sharma on Amazon

Sunday, April 5, 2020


My new book “WORLD HISTORY – A SELECTIVE AND LIMITED CONTENT SERIES – TWO” is now available on the Google Play.

The URL of the book is

This is the second book in the series. The URL of the first book is

With this book, I have released two books on Google Playbooks directly. It means that these books are not available at Amazon.

One of the significant reasons for abstaining from releasing this book on Amazon is that these books are without any charges to the buyer on the Playbooks. I intend to keep it free for some time. It can not be done on Amazon. One has to approach them and put your case to make your book free. It is what I have learnt from my reading of some books which are written by such authors who also run coaching courses for the writers.

There are many reasons for keeping it free. The books are mainly textbooks. They pertain to the specific syllabus. They are not major work. Their readers have a specific need, and the books are framed with that need in mind. They are meant for the students. Therefore, there are many reasons and constraints which do not allow to keep the price on them.

The other reason is of formatting. In the case of Kindle Publishing, I have faced some problems. It looks nice that when one formats the book on Kindle Create, nothing much is required to be done after that. However, the formatting takes time on Kindle Create. When one writes a manuscript, different methods are adopted. A Non-Fiction writer deals with an argument, or with some facts and data; such issues are dealt with separately. It is at a later stage that the content is built in the main manuscript, and organic unity is imparted to the whole manuscript. Through all such efforts, a writer reads the manuscripts again and again. During the process, the author develops his signature style in which the author formats the manuscript. When the author is satisfied with the manuscript, and he moves to publish it on Kindle Direct Publishing, it is my understanding the safest bet is to go through Kindle Create software. In Kindle Create Software, many aspects of the style are demolished in the Kindle Create which one has used in MS Word.

Anyhow, I have not abandoned Amazon. I will not do that. I am presently going with Google. There is another crucial reason behind it. In India, if you insist on a particular matrix, then you are marked as doing PR for a particular group. Secondly, you can not direct anybody to follow a specific path. Google is popular in India. In India, it is the dominating narrative which has the right to be called the true intellect. So, the best thing is Google, and so I go with Google.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Ramchandra Guha: Gandhi’s Humble Beginnings

Ramchandra Guha is an established historian from India and presently a writer who adopts a narrative style of writing history.

I have avoided writing reviews on the work of highly reputed writers, and probably I have an inferiority complex. I fear that while commenting on the scholarship of an expert, I may not betray my ignorance and inapt learning.

However, I have ventured to overcome my shortcomings and picked this task to comment on this book.

In the historiography of India, Ramchandra Guha is identified with the Subaltern Group. Subaltern Group is influenced by the thoughts on writing a history of Erick Stokes. The Indian scholar Ranajit Guha was influenced by his lecture and started a brand of Subaltern studies in the form of a series of essays. It is considered to be an exclusive group. The scholars of high calibre with good fortune and research abilities are given entry to their circle. The Subaltern School belongs to the Marxist tradition of writing history. They are influenced by the idea of history by Marx and Gramsci.

In a book which I have written on Historiography of Modern India, I wrote, “Marxist historian does not mean that the scholar is a member or a follower of any communist political association. The Marxian methodology follows the dialectic materialism. The theory can be as a tool of the research methodology even by a non-communist scholar.” (Sharma, Sumir. Essays on Modern India Historiography (KindleLocations 1005-1006). Kindle Edition.) There was a reason to make such an observation on the Marxist historians. Most of the Marxist historians and their allied group proudly claim themselves to be real Indians. They raise many such issues and give such interpretations that they became a target of fierce criticism by the Nationalist and Fanatic Hindu groups. It was not a surprising thing that Dr Guha, a Padam Bhusan decorated scholar, was arrested recently during the protest against the Citizen Amendment Act 2019. (Refer to the report: Well, he was picked and released on the same day.

Dr Guha is a world-known scholar on environmental history. In India, it is more famous as the Chipko Movement started by Vinoba Bhave, a Gandhian leader and Medha Patekar. Ramachandra Guha is also identified for his work on Contemporary History of India, a field which is not yet popular among the universities of India. One of my students, who is seeking to start research in Contemporary History, has yet not found a guide in contemporary history. In one of his books, Dr Guha has rightly observed that the Indian history ends with August 15, 1947, and succeeded by works of Sociologist and Political science. Move around in any university, and one may quickly come across a Medievalist, but it isn't very easy to find a guide in the field of contemporary history. I dare to say that with a strong stance.

Now let us move towards the book. One can go through the Preview of the book from the thumbnail given below: 

The book is mainly a monograph. 

There is only one chapter in the book. One may read it in less than one hour. The monograph on the subject merely forms the 30 per cent of the whole book. The Prologue takes one-third part of the book by the writer. The Prologue and not the Preface is the feature of the works of Dr Guha. His books have long Prologue. The other one-third part is given to bibliographic essay and an acknowledgement.

Dr Guha belongs to Subaltern group. They believe in the fieldwork and use Eco metrics, or one may say Clio Metric to derive their conclusion. But, Ramchandra Guha adopts a narrative method of the old school. He is the best in his trade. Therefore, you will be able to read this monograph in one sitting and complete it in an hour or a little bit more.

MacMillan publishes many of his books in paperback form. Penguin has published this edition in eBook form. His works are available both on Kindle and Google Playbooks.

While formatting the present volume, the Publisher has missed some aspect of e-formatting. There is no preface in the book. Dr Guha writes Prologues but no Preface. His Prologues are quite long. He writes a separate section as an acknowledgement in which he writes about his collaborators which is generally given in Preface. In the Prologue, he builds the background for his main work. His Prologue is always in a narrative style as if he is going to start some novel. In the section, he writes about his methodology and game plan. For uninitiated, he may sound as if he is talking too much about himself. But, he has it as a method to provide the historian's mindset as he works to write his work. The Publisher has not taken care of it. Dr Guha has mentioned itself in the Bibliography section that how the people from Penguin pushed him hard to bring out enchanting writing. But the Publisher has created a Preface section in the Table of Content – TOC which does not exist. A quotation by Mahatma Gandhi is marked as a Preface. Is it so? I do not think so.

A Map section is created. But it has lost its purpose the way it is formatted.

The Bibliography is termed as “A Note on Sources”. It is so long that one starts wondering that if it was such extensive research, the author has given a very less material in the actual body of the book.

The actual book is termed as Middle Caste, Middle Rank, and it is the only chapter. It traces the history of the parents of Mahatma Gandhi in Porbandar up to the day when Gandhi Ji left India for London.

In the monograph, the historian is successful in sketching the social environment in which Gandhi Ji was nurtured in his earlier years. It is strongly recommended that readers should not skip the footnotes. One may read it in one go without referring to the footnotes. The author writes it in an effortless but effective style. One keeps on moving from one page to another. A reader virtually glides through the pages. Nothing is overloaded or sensational weaved into the different episodes of the life of Gandhi Ji. But, even then, nearly all the aspect of life and its turfs and ebbs are nicely sketched in words. The author claims to have used some new documents in writing it. I believe that many people would find some further information even in this small monograph. But one must seriously read the Prologue to fully appreciate the structure of the content which refer to the society and people around Gandhi Ji among whom his earlier days were fabricated. I wonder that the research scholar has not made some chapter in it. He has given only one episode. I know that it is a part of a bigger work. But even then, there is every possibility of making some chapters even in this book. The period of Porbandar and Rajkot can be separated. The schooling and later days of academic years in India can make a separate episode.

The scholar has detailed how this book has gone under scrutiny before appearing in its present form. He knows better about making chapters in this monograph.

I have enjoyed reading his book. His other books on contemporary history are spread over 800 pages, and I am still reading it. I am going to buy the next section of the series on Gandhi Ji. I may come up with further views on his work as I complete my reading.

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Hybrid Volume of Essays on Modern India Historiography (Hindi Edition)

यह पुस्तक Essays on The Modern India Historiography का ही एक रूप है| इस में English में लिखे matter का प्रति पैराग्राफ पर विचार सामग्री का हिंदी रूप भी दिया गया है|

इस पुस्तक को द्विभाषी पुस्तक कहा है| यह कोई विलक्षण यां अटपटी कृति नहीं है| Gita Press Gorakhpur के द्वारा प्रकाशित संत तुलसी दास की लिखी रामचरित्र मानस में संत तुलसी ही भाषा का हिंदी रूप हर चौपाई के बाद दिया गया है| उस के वाचन करता न केवल संत वाणी में परन्तु हिंदी में भी करते और भजते हैं| सभी श्रधालुयों को अगर संत जी की बोली समझ नहीं आती पर वह हिंदी में लिखी वाणी से राम गुणगान का सौभाग्य प्राप्त करते हैं| इसी प्रकार ऐसी कई प्रशस्तियाँ हैं जो एक ही बात को एक ही जगह पर दो अलग भाषाओं में प्रसारित करती हैं|

नवीन शिक्षा पश्चिमी दर्शन और साहित्य से प्रभावित है| उस में दिए गये विषय पश्चिमी साहित्य में उपलब्ध रहते हैं| हिंदी भाषी विद्यार्थी गूढ़ और अव्यक्त सिधान्तों को विदेशी भाषा में समझने से चूक जाते हैं| किसी स्तर पर उन्हें अंग्रजी में व्यक्त भावों को उसी भाषा में ही निपटना पड़ता है जहाँ वह खुद को ठगा सा पाते हैं| अगर एक ही बात उन्हें अंग्रेज़ी और हिंदी में पढ़ने को मिल जाय तो वह विश्वास से हर प्रश्न को निपटते हैं|

इस हाइब्रिड वॉल्यूम की रचना इसी योजना और विचार से की गई है| वैसे इस का अंग्रजी रूप और हिंदी रूप अपने अलग रूपों में भी उपलब्ध है जिस के link images नीचे दिए गए हैं|

आप से यह निवेदन है की आप इस प्रकार की रचना पर अपने विचार अवश्य प्रगट करें जिस आप comment section में लिख सकते हैं|

Read the Preview Here

Catalogue of Books by Sumir Sharma

Thursday, November 14, 2019

आधुनिक भारत हिस्टोरियोग्राफी पर निबंध संग्रह

अगस्त 25, 2019, को Essays on Modern India पत्रक में यह सन्देश प्रकाशित हुया था कि उस में चर्चित पुस्तक का हिंदी प्ररूप जल्द ही प्रकाशित किया जायेगा| उसी सन्देश की बात को सत्य करते हुए यहाँ उस हिंदी में लिखी पुस्तक की प्रकाशित होने की सूचना प्रसारित की गई है|

आधुनिक भारत हिस्टोरियोग्राफी पर निबंध संग्रह पुस्तक Essays on Modern India पुस्तक का हिंदी प्ररूप है| इस में पांच अध्याय हैं जो कि इस प्रकार हैं|

1. अध्याय 1: आधुनिक भारत की ऐतिहासिकता - एक परिचय

2. अध्याय 2: आधुनिक भारत के साम्राज्यवादी इतिहासकार

3. अध्याय 3: आधुनिक भारत के राष्ट्रवादी इतिहासकार

4. अध्याय 4: आधुनिक भारत के मार्क्सवादी इतिहासकार

5. अध्याय 5: भारत में उपनिवेशवाद पर इतिहास लेखन

6. ग्रंथ सूची

इस पुस्तक को Kindle Create के नवीनतम रूप Version पर सम्पादित किया गया है| इस पुस्तक की पाण्डुलिपि को UTF – 8 में Google Input tools से लिखा गया है| यह उम्मीद की जाती है कि छात्रों एवं अन्य पाठकों को Kindle eBook के सभी softwares पर पढ़ने में आसानी होगी|

पाठकों से निवेदन है कि पुस्तक पर टिप्पणी amazon की site पर पुस्तक के पृष्ठ पर दर्ज करें|

Catalogue of the Books writtenby Sumir Sharma

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Combo Volume of The History of Constitution of India: The Charter Acts during the Company rule in India 1773 - 1858

A Combo Volume of The History of Constitution of India: The Charter Acts during the Company rule in India 1773 - 1858

यह पुस्तक नई पुस्तक नहीं है| यह पुस्तक मेरी पहली पुस्तकों का संयुक्त प्रकाशन है| इस पुस्तक में मेरी पहले से ही उपलब्ध दो पुस्तकों का सम्पादित संकलन है| इस संकलन में दो पुस्तकें इस प्रकार हैं|

History of Constitution of India: Charter Acts during the Company rule in India 1773 – 1858| यह पुस्तक अंग्रेज़ी में लिखी हुई है| इस का ASIN B07DFR9KD3 है| इस पुस्तक का paperback भी उपलब्ध है|

भारत के संविधान का इतिहास: भारत में कंपनी शासन के समय के चार्टर अधिनियम 1773 – 1858”, ASIN no B07FN71L62 दूसरी पुस्तक है| यह पुस्तक हिंदी में है|

दोनों पुस्तकों का विषयवस्तु एक ही है| परन्तु यह दोनों पुस्तकें एक दूसरे का अनुवाद नहीं है|

इस प्रकार के संकलन को उपलब्ध करने का एक आधार है| भारत में छात्र हिंदी में वार्तालाप करतें हैं परन्तु उन को अपने विषय के संबंध में विषय सामग्री अंग्रेज़ी साहित्य में ज्यादा उपलब्ध रहती है| इसी के साथ ही उन को कई परीक्षायों में अंग्रेज़ी का ही प्रयोग करना होता है| कहीं ना कहीं उन को अंग्रेज़ी साहित्य में वह स्पष्टता नहीं मिल पाती जिस की उन्हें आवश्यकता होती है| अगर वही बात उन्हें हिंदी में भी पता चल जाये तो उन का विषय का बोध और उस पर पकड़ गहरी हो जाती है| इसी विचार और आधार पर इस संयुक्त संकलन को उपलब्ध कराया गया है|

इस में आप को एक पुस्तक में दो पुस्तकें उपलब्ध कराई गई हैं|

Essays on Modern India Historiography

The Essays on Modern India Historiography is my latest book. Nitish Sachdeva is a co-author of the book.

The contains five essays. The titles of those essays are as follows.

Chapter 1: Historiography of Modern India – An Introduction

Chapter 2: Imperialist Historians of Modern India

Chapter 3: Nationalist Historians of Modern India

Chapter 4: Marxists Historians of Modern India

Chapter 5: Historiography of Colonialism in India


There is a story behind writing the book. Nitish Sachdeva was my student. He pursued M. A. History course in my college. The college is affiliated to Punjab University Chandigarh. In the syllabus of History in the Punjab University, there is no course at undergraduate level which covers the historiography. Even in postgraduate courses, it was a single phrase of Historiography was related to the papers which form the part of the course. In the fourth semester of postgraduate studies, there are two papers related to historiography and methods of history. It was during one of the lectures, Nitish Sachdeva expressed the view that the nature of the paper was such that it should have been taught even in undergraduate classes. After that, he undertook a survey of the history courses of many universities and came back with the observation that there were many universities in which historiography was taught as a separate paper. Secondly, he expressed the view that such a paper was essential to learn about the actual nature of history. The view of Nitish Sachdeva is the foundation of the book. The view is further elaborated in the preface of the book.

The book is published in paperback format also. The ISBN is 13: 978-1085882729.

The Hindi version of the book will also be released very soon.

You are requested to read the preview by clicking here

Do me a favour by writing your response in the comment section at Amazon site of the book. 

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Enigma of Pakistani Identity by Haroon Khalid

The Enigma of Pakistani Identity by Haroon Khalid

It is a travelogue but not in the real sense.

For me, it is a kick in the chest pit of a Pakistani nationalist which could be fatal. The book is a punch below the nose of an Indian nationalist which could be life-threatening, a spit at the face of a British nationalist and a reverberating slap on the face of the academicians at school and higher education stages who decide the syllabus of National history, political science and sociology.

In order to understand the content of this small book, one should know that history is very harsh, rude and blunt if one is a serious learner. Secondly, as per the new trends of history, Folklores are also the archives for historians. If one is a traditional historian who believes only in written words and documents, then it is an opinion of a young Pakistani who is probably from a village near to the village of Ranjha at Takht Hazara. The author has his education in Archaeology from a university in Pakistan.  For a superficial reviewer of this book at Amazon site from where I have bought this book for a pittance as a Prime Member, it is a useless book which merely refers to some places in Pakistan but does not provide any useful information. It depends upon the intellectual level of a reader to treat it as per his or her learning level.

The overall length of the book is not more than 15 to 18 odd A4 size typed pages. However, it is developed into nine chapters. The book is published in India by Westland Publications Ltd in 2017, which probably is the same publication which made Savi Sharma a best-selling author.

The content of the book will tease and tantalise the readers from both sides of the Redcliff line differently. The language is lucid. It is only at one place the syntax of a sentence is a bit confusing. The line is reproduced below.
“Out of all of the provinces of the country, it is Punjab has experienced the greatest Islamization after the creation of the country.” Haroon Khalid. The Enigma of Pakistani Identity (Kindle Locations 418-419). Westland Publications Ltd. Kindle Edition.
In the rest of the book, the flow of the narrative is very smooth, and one can read it in less than one hour. This book is strongly recommended to the Indian readers provided they have a good understanding of Indian culture and history. The reader has to overlook the bias of the author in some places. It will be of interest if this book is available in Pakistan also.

The author of this book has also published other books. The author is available on Facebook.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Bad Formatting has ruined the book.

 The lousy formatting has ruined the book.

Kindly note that the Hindi version of this book is live. It is available at the link 
The ASIN no is B07FN71L62. 

The statement is a comment on the book by Sumir Sharma, the author of this blog. The title of the book is “History of Constitution of India: Charter Acts and Company Rule in India”.

First, let us see the contents of the book.

It has eight chapters and two Appendix. They are as follows.
Chapter 1: The Brief History of the East India Company.
Chapter 2: The Regulating Act, 1773
Chapter 3: Pitt’s India Act, 1784
Chapter 4: Charter Act, 1793
Chapter 5: Charter Act, 1813
Chapter 6: Charter Act, 1833
Chapter 7: Charter Act, 1853
Chapter 8: Act of Better Government of India 1858

The book contains 78 printed pages of A4 size. However, it is presently available in ebook format. 

There are two Appendix. In Appendix I, there is an essay on the sources which are used for writing the contents of this book. In Appendix II, the suggestions are provided to make the book more interactive.

The book is developed as a textbook. It is written in a narrative style. On every topic, the content is written in point format. For the point format, it is meant that every paragraph explains its main heading. The paragraph is given a heading or a number. It helps in writing the answers in the examination. The purpose is that the readers and the students can quickly develop an answer to any question on the topics explained in the book.

When it is said that it is written in a narrative style, it means that the facts are given and explained. There is a less number of quotations and references to the document. It is a textbook which aims at helping the students to write an answer with confidence. Such a style of writing helps the student to focus on the core fact which is expected to be written. The author believes that first provide the fact. If the student reproduces the fact, then he or she explains the question. The quotations and references are an inseparable part of history writing. However, liberty is taken while framing the content and this aspect is omitted. It is called a narrative style by the author.

The book is written to fulfil the requirements of the students of the Post Graduate course in History of Punjab University. It meets the need of the Paper HIS 213: Constitutional Development in Modern India 1773 – 1947 Unit I and Paper HIS 211: Modern India Political Process, Unit III.

The content of the book is also relevant to the students of Indian Polity and Indian Constitution pursuing the course of Post Graduate in Political Science. It is also suitable for the students of Law course.

The content of the book is equally relevant to General Studies Main paper II. The content provides material for the first section which reads, “Indian Constitution – historical underpinnings, evolution …”

The book is also relevant for undergraduate classes honours course.

There is a need to mention the framework of the first chapter which is "The Brief History of the East India Company". In most of the popular textbooks, this topic is explained. In almost all the books, the story begins with the arrival of Portuguese in India. Many writers have started with earliest times of European history. In the case of this book, the chapter begins with the fundamental question. It has tried to answer that what made England organise a commercial corporation to trade with East Indies. It is followed by a brief survey of the ups and downs of the company up to 1773.

Now, something about the title of this post which is that "Bad formatting has ruined the book". The book is self-published by the author with Kindle Direct Publication. The KDP provides the software to format the manuscript for the book. The author has failed to make the right use of the software.

Further, there are many mistakes in the use of punctuation marks. In addition to that two or three lines are repeated at some places. This mistake has crept in due to the writing method of the author. The author generally writes his manuscript in Open Source Word processor. Then, he transfers it to MS word sheet. The reason is that KDP software gets added to MS Word as an add-on feature. The author also uses a grammar check software. Therefore, after writing an essay is shuttled between different software to make it readable. In this process, such a fault sneaks in.

In any case, the author plans to retain this book out on the sale on Amazon. It may help other self- publisher writers to watch for the shortcomings. Presently, I am not going to revise this book. However, I will rewrite it after a duration, and then I will remove the mistakes.

The book explains the Charter Acts as the historical background of the History of the Constitution of India. It is evident that my next volume will be on the legislation during the Crown rule in India. I will soon publish the relevant next volume. I am presently working on that volume.

I will also write the Hindi version of this volume and release it in June 2018.

To make this book interactive, I am going to reproduce a part of the book on my blog at I will attend to their queries related to the content of the book. I am ready to provide pdf copies of individual chapters to any reader free of cost who may require it for printing purpose. The relevant instructions are given in Appendix II.

An Update: The Book is now available in Print format also. However, it is available only in the USA, the UK, Demark, Spain, Italy and Japan. For Indians, it will cost too high. Kindly avail the epub format. If any page is required in printable format then kindly email me as instructed in Appendix II of the book. The ISBN number of the printed book is as follows: ISBN-13: 978-1983046834 ISBN-10: 1983046833

Second Update: The Paperback of the book is now available in India also. However, it is printed in the US and imported by Indian distributors. Therefore, the price is too high. It costs ₹565/- including taxes and courier charges. The link is given as follows:

Third update: The book has been reformatted. Kindly read the preview here. Do a favour by writing a comment on the Amazon page of this book and give a ranking.

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sri Harsha of Kanauj - A monograph on the history of India in the first half of the 7th century AD. by K. M. Panikkar.

Before I write anything about this book, I want to share my dilemma. I am a teacher of history at a college level. I am expected to teach according to the requirement of a syllabus. However, by experience, I have found that the understanding which I am developing through regular reading revolts against the central ideas of the curriculum.

Secondly, there are many aspects of history and especially of Indian History, which I believe the country learns from the textbooks. By now, textbooks have developed into a compilation of some points and narratives which could be easily reproduced by the students to pass the course which they are pursuing at University level. It does not serve any purpose.

Thirdly, there is a general notion and view among the teachers that the history or for that matter any subject should be made easy for the students. What does that mean? If you understand and have thoroughly imbibed the concept, then you may demonstrate it in numerous ways. The Make it Easy brigade have obtained doctorates in their subjects. They might have gone through the rigour of the research methods. They might have attained a perception about their thesis which could only be obtained by hard work. Therefore, they were awarded the doctorate. Now, what do they say when they want to make a subject easy for the students? No doubt, they are not expected to train the students to become the research scholars. But, what do they mean to say to make a subject easy to understand? In this efforts, they are more inclined towards the textbooks.

While reading textbooks also, one come across gaps in the interpretations and explanations of the historical facts. I had felt this shortcoming when after learning about the Gupta dynasty, there was a sudden decline in the Indian history. In between, a period of Harsha emerges. In that period, the region was saved from the attack of the Huns. Harsha organised five-yearly religious festivals in which he propitiated Buddha idol along with other deities. However, after his reign, the Buddhism virtually died out in India. Now, why was it so? I have some clues about the answers, but there are many issues which are to be told in more clearer manner. History is about the nation, a region, and positively about the 'We the People' with which the constitution begins. But, what is the history of 'We the People'?.

Fourthly, the four-unit format had made many chapters redundant. The chapter on Harshvardhan is mostly included in the fourth unit. As a result, no one care to read much about that. There is nothing much to learn in the textbooks, especially in the format in which they are coming up – the so-called easier way of learning.

Fifthly, there is too much stress on regionalism. The main argument or rather the dominant answer by some pundits is that if you do not write about your region, then no one will come from outside to write for you. If you do not write about the history of your region, then no one from other regions will come to write it for you. You are the right source and medium to write about your region, and therefore you have to write about the region. Is India a Union of States or the United States? I do not want the people from Political Science to answer this question. They are living in a world of fallacy and before answering anyone that they should check that why their subject has carried the term Science with it. I may like to read a journalist if I am given a choice.

Now when I came across a monograph on Harsh Vardhan, it was an obvious choice. It was another incentive to learn about K. M. Panikkar. Therefore, I am writing about it with high expectations.

The book was published by D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co. Bombay( a publishing division of TATA sons in those days- not a listed company), in 1922.

It contains seven chapters including the Conclusion. A more detailed description follows.

Sardar KM Panikkar:

An ardent need is felt to emphasis that K. M. Panikkar, the author had expired in 1963. He was not a Marxist Historian (He defies all the favourite brands of the day.) and should not be identified with a Marxist historian with the similar surname and resembling initials. It was another thing that his daughter was married to a Communist leader. The other Panikkar is a Marxist historian who has generally associated himself with Bipin Chandra group apart from producing his individual works. Sardar K. M. Panikkar was an outright nationalist from South India. As a historian, as he had written in Atam Katha, that the Hinduism was the result of the fusion of Arya and Dravid which remained solid and unscratched under the onslaught of Muslim and European culture or Islam and Christianity. The fusion version of the age-old process which is presently comfortably called Hindu, merely made adjustments and arrangements in the field of society, economy and politics while facing the historical forces. The Marxist K. N. Panikkar would never approve of this theory and its working reality.

The Content of the Monograph:

The author has called it a Monograph. He has not used the phrases like A short history or A sixty minutes history and similar terms which are now becoming more popular.

There are 96 pages in the printed book. The content; the printed material on Shri Harsh Vardhan is spread over 82 pages. As already mentioned, there are seven essays. Six essays are related to Shri Harsh Vardhan. The name of the articles are as follows:

1. The Political Condition of India in the 6th century. 
2. The Political Condition of the Reign of Harsh. 
3. Harsh – the King. 
4. The Social Condition of India in Harsha's Time 
5. Harsh – the Poet. 

The author has acknowledged with great emphasis that the contents of the fifth essay which is Harsh, the poet, is based on the material provided by Pandit Sastry A. D. Harisarma of Cochin.

Bibliography Essay – The Seventh Essay:

It also contains a bibliography essay. In the bibliography essay the author has discussed the two major primary sources; namely, Harishcharitra by Bana and Yuan Chwang Travels translated by Watter. It is pertinent to observe here, that the New Cambridge history started their publication from 1922 onwards. It is a feature of the New Cambridge publication which the author of each book gives an elaborate essay on the sources used to write his work. In such articles, nearly all the types of sources like primary sources, secondary sources, interviews, journals and other sources are discussed. In case of the essay by K. M. Panikkar, the author has considered only two primary sources. He has given references to numerous other sources, and many of them are primary sources, which are shown at the appropriate places in Footnotes. The essay is exclusively devoted to the two primary sources, which are the main focal point of seeking the information.

K. M. Pannikar started his carrier as a teacher of history. He left that job in between and worked for the Princely States in different capacities. After independence, he accepted the position of a diplomat. He ended his career as an academician. During this period, he wrote many researched based works. The historians, especially the university level scholars, had evaluated him differently. However, if one undertakes an independent evaluation of his work, there is every possibility that the fresh observer may not reconcile with the observations of the experts. His writings may sound as biased and tilted towards Hinduism. However, his scientific temperament is equally apparent in his work. The branded historians are not ready to accept his views probably because they dismantled their strongly held observations. On the reverse side, the writings of Pannikar reveal the gaps in the writing of history. In this work on Harsha, this conflict and debate are apparent.

After completing the reading of this book, I have read a book on the historiography of K. M. Panikkar by Tarasankar Banerjee. The title of the book is "Sardar K. M. Panikkar - The Profile of a Historian."

Tarasankar Banerjee has written some observations on the writing of K. M. Pannikar as a historian. I have found the following views of Tarasankar Banerjee quite relevant for the book on Harsha Vardhan. They are given below.

Observation One

Panikkar approach to history is not based on a technician's outlook but based on an appreciative and refreshing mind of an idealist and imaginative scholar to whom history was an art and not simply an autopsy of the past. (Sardar Panikkar historiography pp.17)

Observation Two

In the more simpler terms, it has been said of the author in an earlier referred source that Panikkar had a passionately sympathetic and imaginative mind. This very aspect of his analytic mind is depicted in his work on Sri Harsha of Kanauj.

Observation Three

He wanted to impress upon us is that the compartmentalisation of Indian History tinged with a narrow regional feeling may have a disastrous consequence on the basic unity of Indian culture. (pp 113, Sardar K M Panikkar).

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