Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It by William Walker Atkinson

Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It by William Walker Atkinson

The Idea of Selecting This Title for Reading:

It is a repetition of that which I have already explained as the reasons to read the titles by William Walker Atkinson. I have a collection of the works by Atkinson. I have already read some of its titles. Now, I have decided to read the compilation from the first title in the list. The title is "The Art of Expression and The Principle of Discourse".

Atkinson had written numerous books. In every book, he alluded to his other books and suggested to his reader to consult the other book in order to explore the full benefit of the title. I had read his different books without any plan or sequence. But, in between, I have developed this view that his suggestions should be followed. Therefore, when I started his book on the Art of Expression, I found that there was a suggestion that one should read his book on logic and also the thought culture. In his book on thought culture, he advised that one should read his book on memory culture. There were two books on memory topic. One of the book is this one which is the subject of this review and the second one is titled "Memory Culture: The Science of Observing, Remembering and Recalling". I am on the verge of completing the reading of that book. Now, here is the review on Memory: How to Develop, Train and Use It.

The Book Structure:

The book has twenty chapters. The chapters can be safely divided into two sections. The section one may contain first nine chapters. The second section, which may contain chapters from Chapter X to the end, can be called the section of practical suggestions and instructions.

In the first section, he has emphasised those aspect of psychology which I believe should be taught to every student. In schools, reading and writing are taught. These aspects, which are explained in this book, should also be incorporated in the instructions and made the part of the practice of study as the sports and other co-curricle activities are emphasised as the part of schooling.

If you are a student, you must go through this book. It will benefit you in your studies. You have to study the titles which are suggested in the first paragraph of this post. You may find it cumbersome. However, it is more result oriented if you read the combination of the titles as suggested in the first paragraph. I am also amused when I find that in his every book, the author suggests another book. But, I feel, that if he has taken up all the topics in one single title, it would have not been that attractive and useful.

Let me now take up some aspects of the contents. The author is again perfect and best in his art of writing. He has written a simple English. You do not have to consult a dictionary to understand his discourse. You do not encounter any Latin or other archaic or technical terms. Well, in the case of these titles, he has not quoted numerous authorities as he has done in the case of the titles on esoteric and mystic topics.

Kindly check this list.

You have Five sense organs viz. Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue, and Touch sense and their corresponding sensations. 

You get information on your surroundings through your sense organs.

You gather the information guided by following mind features. They are

Your Desire
Your Interest
Your Attention
Your Concentration.

The information which you gather through your senses is confined to and restricted by your ability to Abstract the data from the sensation of your sense organs. You can learn to polish your ability to Abstract in this book.

The Abstraction is kept in your brain or rather the abstraction gives you the Perception.

The Perception is utilized by the brain to develop the Idea.

An Idea is identified with the help of terms and images. The book tells about the simple methods to develop this process consciously. The extra thing that is required is your consistency and ability to utilize it with a commitment.

Now if you are interested in this elaboration and it conveys you some meaningful talk, then, this book can be used to develop your memory.

I have full regards for the Psychologists and Neurologists. If they are there to tell that their field of research has progressed far ahead than the content of this book, then I will definitely like them to suggested me the titles of the books which they want to recommend.

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