Sunday, March 19, 2017

Inner Engineering – A Yogi's Guide to Joy by Sadhguru (Penguin - Ananda)

Inner Engineering – A Yogi's Guide to Joy is written by Sadhguru. He is also addressed as Jaggi Vasudev on the Internet at many places. He is a celebrity. Nobody introduced me to his work. On Shivaratri, Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi visited his place. At that time I was reading, as usual, a book in a collection of W. W. Atkinson. I was reading psychic healing. I was somewhat disenchanted with the content. After that, I had started looking into the sample pages on the books written by Sadhguru on amazon online portal after Shivaratri. On March 13, 2017, I just bought two titles written by him. On March 18, 2017, I completed the reading this title which is published by Penguin under Penguin Ananda Series. The digital edition of 2016 is marked e-ISBN: 978-9-386-05758-7. I bought it for Rs./- 119.20. After that, the price has been reduced by 10%. Very Bad.

During those five days when I read this book, My approach towards the reading of the book passed through a swing mode. Sometimes I laughed, then I just glided through some of the explanation totally unconcerned and at times, I was all appreciation for the contents.

A reviewer on the amazon site had commented that one should not buy a particular title authored by Sadhguru. The argument presented by the person is that whatsoever is written in the book, is already available online free of cost. When I read, I google a lot and watch YouTubes also. Thanks to Mukesh Ambani for that, regardless of the speed which is committed. I observed and listened in many of the interviews of Jagdish Vasudeva on YouTube, which are again conducted by celebrities, that the answers which he gives to them, appear word by word in the book which I was reading. Well now, Mukesh Ambani will charge money for the internet, you can not watch all of them at leisure and within a specific time. On the other hand, the title which I have completed, has its own organic unity. I want to contradict that reviewer. I will rather say, BUY IT. But I suggest a caution. You can enjoy this book, only if, you have some understanding of the Philosophy concerning Sankhya, Yoga, Naya, Vesheshika and Mimansa (Vedanta). If you follow Aristotelian Logic, or follow Western Scholars (European) from Enlightenment onwards, then you may reject it. If you believe that you want a Self Improvement or Self Help or DIY book, then, this book is not meant for you.

Sadhguru is a celebrity. He is a master in his field. I do not have enough of that thing in me to venture to comment on the contents. Well, I may present my view on my way of reading a book.

(to be continued).

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