Monday, August 17, 2020

यूटूब पर पुस्तक पर प्रदर्शन का मेरा पहला संस्करण


मैंने अपने यूट्यूब चैनल पर अपनी एक पुस्तक पर वीडियो बनाकर डाली है। पुस्तक पर वीडियो बनाकर डालने का यह मेरा पहला यत्न है|


मैंने अपनी किताब “हिंदी में लिखी पुस्तक का स्वयं प्रकाशन करने की सुनहरी किताब” पर  वीडियो बनाकर यूट्यूब पर डाली  है|


इस प्रकार का कार्य अपनी पुस्तक का प्रचार करने के लिए किया जाता हैं। इसी भावना से मैंने इसका यूट्यूब पर प्रसारण किया है।


  मैंने स्वयं प्रकाशन पर सुनहरी  किताब 16 जनवरी 2019 को प्रकाशित की थी। इस प्रकार इस पुस्तक को प्रकाशित हुए लगभग 18 महीने हो चले है।


 मुफ्त वितरण के समय ऐमेज़ॉन से इसकी 37 प्रतियां उतारी गई थी| उसके बाद इसकी 10 प्रतियां पाठकों ने खुद खरीदी थी। जब मैंने इस पुस्तक की कीमत ₹178 कर दी तब से इसकी बिक्री लगभग बंद हो गई है। परंतु किंडल सिलेक्ट योजना के अधीन इस पुस्तक का वाचन लगभग हर महीने होता रहता है। इसके अलावा मैंने 10 प्रतियां मुफ्त में अपनी कुछ जानकारों को भी बांटी है।


 मुझे अभी भी विश्वास है कि इस पुस्तक की जरूरत उन पाठकों को है जो अपने manuscript को छापना चाहते हैंइसलिए मैंने इस पुस्तक का वीडियो बनाकर यूट्यूब पर डाला है। उस वीडियो का निरीक्षण नीचे दिए गए लिंक के द्वारा कर सकते हैं।


 मेरा यह प्रदर्शन मेरा पहला संकरण है। मैं अपनी अन्य पुस्तकों का भी इसी प्रकार का वीडियो प्रदर्शन आने वाले समय में यूट्यूब पर डालूंगा|


 इस लेख के पाठकों से अनुरोध है कि वह मेरे यूट्यूब को सब्सक्राइब करें जिससे मेरे आने वाले इसी प्रकार के प्रदर्शन को प्रसारित हुया देख सकें।

Link to Subscribe to my Youtube Channel. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 3

World History Series 3 is the third book of the series - (Click to open the embedded link). The earlier ones are as follows


World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 1


World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series 2


The third book in the series was released on 28-04-2020. The book contains the following lessons.

Chapter 1: American Revolution

Chapter 2: French Revolution

Chapter 3: Congress of Vienna

It gives me pleasure to share this as a fact that Chapter 2 is a replica of my earlier blog post. The blog posts on the French Revolution is one of the most visited and commented on posts. It can be checked at the following link.


The Kindle edition of this book is also released. One can access the Kindle edition by a Click HERE. 

Catalogue of the books written by Sumir Sharma on Amazon

Sunday, April 5, 2020


My new book “WORLD HISTORY – A SELECTIVE AND LIMITED CONTENT SERIES – TWO” is now available on the Google Play.

The URL of the book is

This is the second book in the series. The URL of the first book is

With this book, I have released two books on Google Playbooks directly. It means that these books are not available at Amazon.

One of the significant reasons for abstaining from releasing this book on Amazon is that these books are without any charges to the buyer on the Playbooks. I intend to keep it free for some time. It can not be done on Amazon. One has to approach them and put your case to make your book free. It is what I have learnt from my reading of some books which are written by such authors who also run coaching courses for the writers.

There are many reasons for keeping it free. The books are mainly textbooks. They pertain to the specific syllabus. They are not major work. Their readers have a specific need, and the books are framed with that need in mind. They are meant for the students. Therefore, there are many reasons and constraints which do not allow to keep the price on them.

The other reason is of formatting. In the case of Kindle Publishing, I have faced some problems. It looks nice that when one formats the book on Kindle Create, nothing much is required to be done after that. However, the formatting takes time on Kindle Create. When one writes a manuscript, different methods are adopted. A Non-Fiction writer deals with an argument, or with some facts and data; such issues are dealt with separately. It is at a later stage that the content is built in the main manuscript, and organic unity is imparted to the whole manuscript. Through all such efforts, a writer reads the manuscripts again and again. During the process, the author develops his signature style in which the author formats the manuscript. When the author is satisfied with the manuscript, and he moves to publish it on Kindle Direct Publishing, it is my understanding the safest bet is to go through Kindle Create software. In Kindle Create Software, many aspects of the style are demolished in the Kindle Create which one has used in MS Word.

Anyhow, I have not abandoned Amazon. I will not do that. I am presently going with Google. There is another crucial reason behind it. In India, if you insist on a particular matrix, then you are marked as doing PR for a particular group. Secondly, you can not direct anybody to follow a specific path. Google is popular in India. In India, it is the dominating narrative which has the right to be called the true intellect. So, the best thing is Google, and so I go with Google.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Going for Google Play Books this time

I have launched my new book on books google. It is now available for purchase for ₹ 0/-. In other words, it is free to download. The Google Preview is also active.

The title is “World History – A Selective and Limited Content Series – One”.

The book is not presently available on Amazon and Kindle. I have not published it through Kindle Direct Publishing. All my earlier books were first published on Kindle Direct Publishing. However, this time I have picked Google Books.

It is apparent from the title of the book that it is a part of a series. I am going to publish the remaining part of the series very soon.

The publishing of the book on Google Play Books is a pleasant experience. However, it has to be recognized that the skills of changing a manuscript into a printable book format are acquired while working with Kindle Direct Publishing. Hence, the credit goes to KDP for imparting the skill.

Let me collect the finer points of Google Playbooks.

The pricing is a crucial aspect in self-publishing. In the case of Google Play Books, you can continue to sell your book free of cost for weeks together. You do not have to contact the Google people to make such changes. In the case of KDP, the free period is allowed only for five days for a slot of six months.

The second important aspect of pricing is that you can fix it at any amount. One wants to sell the book for ₹1/-. One can do it. In the case of KDP, it is not there. In the case of KDP, your lowest price can only be ₹ 49/-. If it is reduced, then it is the prerogative of KDP.

Response Time:
The response time in the case of Google is quick. They ask for 24 hours. However, the changes happen in less than one hour. For a writer, who is a self-Publishing author, the feature is really useful. A writer can not work by carrying the weight of luggage of pending tasks. It acts as a dampener.

KDP people are also fast. However, in some cases, I had to follow them up for the required changes. One of the issues is still pending for the last six months.

Simpler Uploading:
The uploading process for Google Books is simple. No doubt, there are hidden intricacies. Once, one has understood those intricacies; then it is a smooth ride.

The KDP uploading process is also simple. It passes through three stages. They claim that it will take less than 5 minutes to publish your book. However, that is not true. It takes time.

Real-Time Backup:
The Google chat feature is a commendable one, and the team behind it quite knowledgeable and intuitive. You can get real-time solutions from them.

In the case of KDP, you have to write them an email. You can talk to them on the phone on a real-time basis. However, there remains the problem of time zone difference. Secondly, I have never tried that channel.

On the whole, it is a pleasant experience with Google Books publishing. I have seen that they participate in getting to an effective display. Well, that is my view. It is another thing that I do not appreciate their e-marketing matrix under Adword programme. I have even doubted their analytics which they present. However, presently, I am quite appreciative of their Google Play Books. Is it not?

Monday, March 16, 2020

Ramchandra Guha: Gandhi’s Humble Beginnings

Ramchandra Guha is an established historian from India and presently a writer who adopts a narrative style of writing history.

I have avoided writing reviews on the work of highly reputed writers, and probably I have an inferiority complex. I fear that while commenting on the scholarship of an expert, I may not betray my ignorance and inapt learning.

However, I have ventured to overcome my shortcomings and picked this task to comment on this book.

In the historiography of India, Ramchandra Guha is identified with the Subaltern Group. Subaltern Group is influenced by the thoughts on writing a history of Erick Stokes. The Indian scholar Ranajit Guha was influenced by his lecture and started a brand of Subaltern studies in the form of a series of essays. It is considered to be an exclusive group. The scholars of high calibre with good fortune and research abilities are given entry to their circle. The Subaltern School belongs to the Marxist tradition of writing history. They are influenced by the idea of history by Marx and Gramsci.

In a book which I have written on Historiography of Modern India, I wrote, “Marxist historian does not mean that the scholar is a member or a follower of any communist political association. The Marxian methodology follows the dialectic materialism. The theory can be as a tool of the research methodology even by a non-communist scholar.” (Sharma, Sumir. Essays on Modern India Historiography (KindleLocations 1005-1006). Kindle Edition.) There was a reason to make such an observation on the Marxist historians. Most of the Marxist historians and their allied group proudly claim themselves to be real Indians. They raise many such issues and give such interpretations that they became a target of fierce criticism by the Nationalist and Fanatic Hindu groups. It was not a surprising thing that Dr Guha, a Padam Bhusan decorated scholar, was arrested recently during the protest against the Citizen Amendment Act 2019. (Refer to the report: Well, he was picked and released on the same day.

Dr Guha is a world-known scholar on environmental history. In India, it is more famous as the Chipko Movement started by Vinoba Bhave, a Gandhian leader and Medha Patekar. Ramachandra Guha is also identified for his work on Contemporary History of India, a field which is not yet popular among the universities of India. One of my students, who is seeking to start research in Contemporary History, has yet not found a guide in contemporary history. In one of his books, Dr Guha has rightly observed that the Indian history ends with August 15, 1947, and succeeded by works of Sociologist and Political science. Move around in any university, and one may quickly come across a Medievalist, but it isn't very easy to find a guide in the field of contemporary history. I dare to say that with a strong stance.

Now let us move towards the book. One can go through the Preview of the book from the thumbnail given below: 

The book is mainly a monograph. 

There is only one chapter in the book. One may read it in less than one hour. The monograph on the subject merely forms the 30 per cent of the whole book. The Prologue takes one-third part of the book by the writer. The Prologue and not the Preface is the feature of the works of Dr Guha. His books have long Prologue. The other one-third part is given to bibliographic essay and an acknowledgement.

Dr Guha belongs to Subaltern group. They believe in the fieldwork and use Eco metrics, or one may say Clio Metric to derive their conclusion. But, Ramchandra Guha adopts a narrative method of the old school. He is the best in his trade. Therefore, you will be able to read this monograph in one sitting and complete it in an hour or a little bit more.

MacMillan publishes many of his books in paperback form. Penguin has published this edition in eBook form. His works are available both on Kindle and Google Playbooks.

While formatting the present volume, the Publisher has missed some aspect of e-formatting. There is no preface in the book. Dr Guha writes Prologues but no Preface. His Prologues are quite long. He writes a separate section as an acknowledgement in which he writes about his collaborators which is generally given in Preface. In the Prologue, he builds the background for his main work. His Prologue is always in a narrative style as if he is going to start some novel. In the section, he writes about his methodology and game plan. For uninitiated, he may sound as if he is talking too much about himself. But, he has it as a method to provide the historian's mindset as he works to write his work. The Publisher has not taken care of it. Dr Guha has mentioned itself in the Bibliography section that how the people from Penguin pushed him hard to bring out enchanting writing. But the Publisher has created a Preface section in the Table of Content – TOC which does not exist. A quotation by Mahatma Gandhi is marked as a Preface. Is it so? I do not think so.

A Map section is created. But it has lost its purpose the way it is formatted.

The Bibliography is termed as “A Note on Sources”. It is so long that one starts wondering that if it was such extensive research, the author has given a very less material in the actual body of the book.

The actual book is termed as Middle Caste, Middle Rank, and it is the only chapter. It traces the history of the parents of Mahatma Gandhi in Porbandar up to the day when Gandhi Ji left India for London.

In the monograph, the historian is successful in sketching the social environment in which Gandhi Ji was nurtured in his earlier years. It is strongly recommended that readers should not skip the footnotes. One may read it in one go without referring to the footnotes. The author writes it in an effortless but effective style. One keeps on moving from one page to another. A reader virtually glides through the pages. Nothing is overloaded or sensational weaved into the different episodes of the life of Gandhi Ji. But, even then, nearly all the aspect of life and its turfs and ebbs are nicely sketched in words. The author claims to have used some new documents in writing it. I believe that many people would find some further information even in this small monograph. But one must seriously read the Prologue to fully appreciate the structure of the content which refer to the society and people around Gandhi Ji among whom his earlier days were fabricated. I wonder that the research scholar has not made some chapter in it. He has given only one episode. I know that it is a part of a bigger work. But even then, there is every possibility of making some chapters even in this book. The period of Porbandar and Rajkot can be separated. The schooling and later days of academic years in India can make a separate episode.

The scholar has detailed how this book has gone under scrutiny before appearing in its present form. He knows better about making chapters in this monograph.

I have enjoyed reading his book. His other books on contemporary history are spread over 800 pages, and I am still reading it. I am going to buy the next section of the series on Gandhi Ji. I may come up with further views on his work as I complete my reading.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Google Preview of Sumir's books is available now

All my books are presently available on Amazon sites.

Now, almost all my books published so far have become available on the Google Books site. Previews of those books are also alive.

The Preview of all my books can be seen up to 60 per cent of the total written material. Thirty per cent of that Preview can also be Copy Paste.

Readers who do not want to buy my book but want to use the contents of those books can now access my books by visiting the site of Google Books.

You have to go to Fill in the search term "Sumir Sharma" in the search window. My books will come in your search result. Click on the title thumbnail of the book that you are interested in, and you will see the Preview.

For the readers, I am giving below URLs of some of my books whose Preview is available on Google Books. The URLs are embedded in the title of the books listed below. All you have to do is to click on the title of the book. Your browser will take you to the Google Books site of the book.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Revisited Hourly History and Read Subhash Chandra Bose

I had stopped downloading the free books from Hourly History for some time by now.

The Hourly History publishes two titles every week and makes it available free for two days. Every Friday, the subscribers get an email on the fresh arrivals. In addition to fresh new titles, some other titles are also made free. The audiobooks of many titles are also provided free of cost.

It was nearly two years back that I subscribed to their newsletter. I downloaded free books regularly for some time. I even wrote reviews on those books on my blog. In the case of two or three titles, I also posted a comment on the book product page on Amazon.

Gradually, I became disinterested in their titles. From the very beginning, I was critical of their content. I hold the same objections even now.

I gradually got disinterested because, in some of the emails, I did not get an offer of any new title as I had already downloaded many of them. There were some repeat offers.

Another cause of disinterest was that I was not able to appreciate the contents of some of the titles. The titles are generally biographies or trends in the history of a country. The main thing is that if you know something about a personality or an event, the reading of the title helps you to remember about the personality or the event. If your knowledge is more than what the writer of the title was able to tell, then you do not appreciate the content.

I have read many of their titles. I have posted reviews on some of the titles. But all the titles were not of much interest to me as I did not find the content adding to my information or understanding.

In spite of disinterest which I had gradually developed, I was impressed by their ability to frame the chapters. That had kept my interest alive in their publication and downloaded many of their titles. I read their titles but did not post any review on my blog or commented on their product page on Amazon.

On the whole, I was amused by the idea of Hourly feature of the series. Each book is generally spread over 40 to 50 pages. You can easily read them in one hour. On the whole, they are small pamphlets which are called books. The idea of smallness did not attract. Somewhere, it went against my perception of a good book. The counting of pages and words for me can never be the standard of judging the level of a book. The content should be written with responsibility. The language should be lucid. The author should be allowed to demonstrate his skill with words to express an idea. He may be brief in writing an opinion. He may be entitled to spend wordy fire to exhibit his art. But to restrict something to the few numbers of pages did not attract me. Gradually l learned that it was not only they who were doing that. Even Oxford University Press was indulging in such a type of product in the Short Introduction Series. I appreciate the brevity of expression, but the limit of pages or time for finishing a reading did not attract me as a standard of quality.

Recently when I received the email from the Hourly History, I clicked it open. I found that the structure of the body of the email has changed. There was a link to a website. On visiting the website, I found that it was more elaborative and informative about the Hourly History activity. The link to the website is given below.

It is prominently written at the website that the Hourly History is about the “Concise history books that you can read in one hour”. It is their USP.

One can learn from the details provided on the website that the Hourly History has published 229 as on February 8, 2020. It further tells that the Hourly History works with authors from all over the world. That is quite revealing. They do not tell the name of the authors. They claim that the author is Hourly History. But now they have accepted that they are more than one person. It is discernible to a critical reader from the narrations in different books. It is not the work of a single person. 

It is one of my other objections that they call themselves as writers of History, but they do not follow some of the basic norms of history. They do not reveal the source of their information. They give full play to the creative writing norms, but that is not meant for the history writing and literature. No doubt, History is also literature. A history book has to be written in a way that it gives an interpretation and observation. They perform that task. But it cannot be called history. They are just telling stories and using the term History for their accounts. 

On their website, the Hourly History has openly revealed that it is working from Ireland. Earlier it was not prominently shown in their emails. One could have learned about the place of origin only after minute scrutiny of the body of the email. Now, it is open that it is operating from Dublin, Ireland.

After a long time, I have downloaded another book from the email list.

I acquired the book titled "Subhas Chandra Bose: A Life From Beginning to End".

One can go through the preview from the embed review given below.

Another thing fascinates me that the Hourly History produces many titles which are specific to Indian History. Most of their titles are on European History, American History and the Middle East History. It seems that there is a writer on their panel who has good knowledge of Indian History.

The Hourly History has spelt the name of Netaji as Subhas. Being an Indian, I may spell it as Subash. I am not sure how would a Bengal native would pronounce his name.

There are eleven chapters in the book. The whole book is completed in 37 print pages. Does it fascinate any reader?

In 37 pages, the writer has brought out an image of Netaji. Many readers would not like to appreciate the version and picture which the essays depict. The writer has taken up the issue of the political conflict between Gandhiji and Subash. The author has also touched upon the personal life of Netaji. The childhood of Netaji has also been given a peculiar touch within the background of Bengali milieu.

A comment by the writer fascinated me, which he made about the correspondence which took place between Subash Chandra and his father. The writer found the contents of the letter as highly explosive, and he expressed astonishment that it did not attract the attention of the colonial government who had the policy of screening such literature and letter. Well, the writer has given his version.

The writer has used imagination to narrate the episode of the death of Subash Chandra in the air crash. Where did he found the description of his death? The author has not revealed that. It is another feature of the Hourly History books that in case of some titles, the writers demonstrate their imaginative skill at their best. A similar example can be suggested by mentioning the title on Rasputin. Some of their writers are probably good novelist or screenplay writers. It is my view.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Open Secrets by Maloy Krishna Dhar

It took me a long time to close the reading of Open Secrets. The full name of the title is Open Secrets – the Explosive Memoirs of an Indian Intelligence Officer by M K Dhar.

The book contains thirty-three chapters and a long Prologue. It was the contents of the Prologue, which held me long. I developed an impression that the author was a self-righteous person who intends to guide the state on the methods of running an intelligence-gathering machinery and police administration. It made me learn something about the author from the book details, and I learned that it was written by an IPS officer who had worked for IB for a long duration. I do not know the civil services rules, but according to the writer, he was allotted West Bengal Cadre. He was earmarked during his training period for Intelligence work, and after spending some time as a police officer in West Bengal Districts, he moved to Delhi and got absorbed in IB. He was forcibly retired from the services during the tenure of Prime Minister Narsimha Rao for fumbling with the ISRO espionage case. Anyhow, I continued the reading. I had received this book free of cost for being a Prime Member scheme of Amazon. I earmarked it for reading on a Tab during my official duty where it provides a long duration of inactivity. That became the cause of taking too much time for reading this book.

Like the author, I have already talked too much about myself. However, I enjoy the freedom of saying whatsoever, and I want to say, as I am posting it on my blog.

Before I write further, I recommend the reading of this book.

The readers can look into the preview of the book given below.

The author had discussed such issues of Indian politics at the national and international level, which were new for me. I believe that it may be same for all such readers who believe in reading a quality material that can be entertaining and informative.

I learned about the East India separatist problems in detail for the first time. The author worked as an intelligence operator of India in Manipur and Nagaland. I can not authenticate all the information about the social and economic aspect of those regions, as everything was new to me. The author seems to have first-hand information about the tribes of East India. He knew about their culture, social structure and their mindset. Therefore, the reader who is interested in East India issues after the Independence of India, the book will be highly beneficial. The general public should also read the text to get the full definition of India.

The case of Sikkim was another addition to my knowledge after reading the book. The issues related to Punjab were quite refreshing, and I can authenticate the information provided in case of Punjab as I have lived through the tumultuous period of Punjab. Some of the information was new to me.

Similarly, the information on India and Pakistan relation, the relevance of Canada in the matter which is still an important issue was quite an addition to my understanding.

The author of the book had worked under the tenure of Jawahar Lal, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Vishwanath Partap Singh and Narasimha Rao. He made many generalisations based on history and gave an incisive observation on the history of Modern India. No doubt, he was an IPS officer with good family and educational background. 

The author has adopted a literary style in writing each chapter. Every chapter begins with a quotation. Some of the episodes have a touch of a novelist. Somewhere one feels that he is writing as per the manual of the literary styles.

The author has tried to hide many truths. He was probably under a constraint to give only clues about some of the people who were in power. However, in the case of Buta Singh and Zail Singh, he is quite open in the later chapters. 

The author has tried to project himself as a man of high moral stands and refined virtues. He is open to reveal that he has a liking for and linkage with RSS. He has identified many RSS stalwarts about whom the present generation does not know. He claims to be an acquaintance of Dhirubhai Ambani and holds him and his family in high esteem. An intelligence operator has taken sides and became judgemental. I do not know how a more mature reader and knowledgeable people would evaluate it. The author had tried to convey that he had written this book to start a debate in the country. I have my views and a new reader of this book have his views.

The author has written another book with the same opening title but the subtitle of that book is India’s Intelligence Unveiled. Apart from that, there are some more titles to his name. Probably, they are being made available by his Mainak Dhar.

Mainak Dhar, another writer, who is the son of the author and found mention in the book, is also an author. His books are also available on Amazon and from Booksellers.

A Preview of a book by Mainak Dhar

Saturday, January 4, 2020

क्या स्वयं-प्रकाशन लाभदायक व्यवसाय हो सकता है? (भाग 1)

क्या स्वयं-प्रकाशन लाभदायक व्यवसाय हो सकता है? यह प्रश्न केवल भारत में ही नहीं पुछा जाता है बल्कि पश्चिमी देशों में भी उतनी ही तीव्रता से उठाया जाता है|

मेरा विचार है कि  स्वयं-प्रकाशन पश्चिमी देशों में ज्यादा प्रचलित है| ऐसा नहीं कि भारत में इस सम्बन्ध में कोई रुचि या चेतना नहीं है| जहाँ तक मेरी जानकारी है अमिश त्रिपाठी और सावी शर्मा ने अपने लेखन का सफ़र स्वयं-प्रकाशन से किया था| उनकी लोकप्रियता के बाद ही स्थापित प्रकाशकों ने उन्हें अनुबंधित किया था|

आंकड़ों पर आधारित अगर बात करनी हो तो 2017 में Jeff Bezos ने अपने shareholders को यह अधिकारिक सूचना दी थी कि उस वर्ष उस की कम्पनी ने 1000 से ज्यादा प्रति लेखकों को एक लाख डॉलर्स के लगभग रायल्टी का भुगतान किया थाउसी वर्ष में एक अमेरिकी निकाय ने आंकड़ा जारी किया था कि अमेरिका में प्रति वर्ष 10000 नए लेखक सामने आते हैंइन आंकड़ों की चर्चा मैंने अपनी पुस्तक, हिंदी में लिखी पुस्तक को स्वयं प्रकाशित करने की सुनहरी किताब: A Golden Kit for Self-Publish a Book Written in Hindi (EBookWriting 1) (Hindi Edition)” में सन्दर्भ के अनुरूप की भी है|

जब से स्वयं-प्रकाशन के माध्यम को अपनाया है, मैंने इस माध्यम से सम्बन्धित जानकारी प्राप्त करने में लगा रहता हूँ| इस के लिए मैंने कुछ सम्बन्धित पुस्तकें पढ़ी हैं| इस माध्यम से जुड़े आलेख जब भी मिल जाते हैं, मैं उनका अध्ययन करने से नहीं चूकता और उन की प्रतिलिपि अपने पास संजोके रखने का प्रयत्न करता हूँ|

मेरे अब तक के अध्ययन से जिस स्तर तक का मुझे बोध मिला है वह कुछ बहुत असत्यवतविरोधात्मक और व्यंगात्मक निष्कर्ष के स्तर तक पहुंचा है| जो लेखक खुद को सफल स्वयं-प्रकाशक बता रहें हैं, लगभग सभी ने खुद को स्वयं-प्रकाशन की विधि सिखाने का कोच घोषित कर रखा है| लगभग सभी ने पुस्तकें लिख रखी हैं और कई तो अपनी पुस्तकें मुफ्त में उपलब्ध करते रहते हैं| इस को वह सफल प्रकाशक और लेखक बनने के लिए Marketing Strategy बताते हैं और उन पुस्तकों में बड़े मासूमियत भरी शैली में बताते हैं कि सफल लेखक बनना और उस पर स्वयं-प्रकाशन के माध्यम से सफल होना सम्भव नहीं है परन्तु अगर आप उन से coaching लेते हैं तो आप स्वयं-प्रकाशन के माध्यम से इसे सफल व्यवसाय के रूप में अपना सकते हैं| अगर आप ने उन की मुफ्त की पुस्तक Download कर के पढ़ ली तो आप को मुफ्त में subscription प्राप्त करने को कहा जाता है| आप शायद उन के newsletter को subscribe भी कर लें और ऐसा करने में कोई हर्ज़ भी नहीं है तो आप को हर दिन एक email मिलने लग जाएगा| उस में कई प्रलोभन भी होंगे और कुछ मुफ्त के सुझाव भी होंगे जिसे प्रयोग में लाना आप की विवेकशीलता पर निर्भर करता है| इसी प्रकार के एक लेखक ने यहां तक कह दिया कि आप अपने लेखन से कुछ भी न कमाए परन्तु यह आप से अवश्य कुछ कमा जाते हैं|

इस से पहले कि मैं अपनी बात को आगे लेकर चलूँ, मैं कुछ और भी स्पष्ट करना चाहता हूँ| इस लेख के प्रश्न का उत्तर जितना पाठकों के लिए आकर्षण का केंद्र होगा उतना ही मेरे लिए भी है| दूसरी बात यह कि मैं मूल रूप में Textbooks लेखक हूँ जब कि इस विश्लेषण और उस पर आधारित उत्तर का फल उन आकड़ों और case studies पर आधारित है जो मूल रूप में नावल्कारों से संबंधित है|

कुछ बातें मेरे अपने अनुभव और कुछ निरंतर अध्ययन से जो सामने आती हैं वह इस प्रकार संकलित करता हूँ|

पहला यह कि आप को छह महीने तक कोई खास सफलता हाथ नहीं लगेगी|

दूसरा केवल एक पुस्तक प्रकाशित करने से कोई बात नहीं बनने वाली| आप को निरंतर लिखते रहना पड़ेगा| इस बात पर आप को एक अच्छी खासी चर्चा विभिन्न पटलों पर और पुस्तकों में मिल जायेगी| अगर आप लगातार हर महीने कुछ राशी रायल्टी के रूप में प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं तो आप को लगभग 10 Titles प्रकाशित करने होंगे| एक पुस्तक का लेखक कोई लेखक नहीं होता है| जो लेखक सफल हैं वह 30 से 60 पुस्तकों के लेखक हैं| इसे आप एक साधारण से सर्वेक्षण से खुद ही पता कर सकते हैं| इस के लिए आप उन लेखकों की Amazon Ranking को देखें तो वह हमेशा ऊंची बनी रहती है और उन की पुस्तकें भी 200 से 400 के बीच में होती हैं| इस में मेरे सर्वेक्षण में Science Fiction और pornography के लेखक ज्यादा सफल दिखाई देते हैं| बेशक यह अवलोकन पश्चिमी देशों में बिक्री पर आधारित है|

तीसरी महत्त्वपूर्ण निष्कर्ष यह है कि आप को marketing करनी ही पड़ेगी| आप को अगर पैसे नहीं खर्च करने तो भी आप को दूसरे मुफ्त वाले तरीके अपनाते रहना पड़ेगा| एक लेखक के विचार को उठाते हुए मेरा यह कहना है कि अगर आप ने 5 से 6 titles प्रकाशित कर लिए हैं और एक साल में आप की प्रति title 10 प्रतियां भी बिक जाती हैं तो आप सफल हो| इस में आप को कोई ज्यादा कमाई तो नहीं होगी परन्तु आप को इस से यह समझना लेना चाहिए कि आप मैदान में आ गए हो|

Marketing का सब से मुफ्त तरीका है कि आप अपनी पुस्तक Kindle Select में डाल दो| वहां से कमाई कोई ज्यादा तो नहीं होती है परन्तु आप को यह जरूर पता लग जाता है कि आप की कौन सी पुस्तक पाठकों को आकर्षित कर रही है| मुझे Kindle Select की Calculation का फार्मूला आज तक समझ नहीं आया है परन्तु अपने case के आधार पर मैं यह कह सकता हूँ कि 10 pages के पीछे 1 रुपया मिल जाता है| अगर किसी महीने आप की कोई भी पुस्तक नहीं बिकती तो Kindle Select में उस के पढ़े जाने की सम्भावना बनी रहती है|

जो चर्चाएँ विभिन्न फोरुमों पर मिलती है, उस के अनुसार जब आप अपने साल के खर्चे अपने लेखन से निकालने लग जायो तब आप सफल हो| उस के लिए आप को ऊपर दी गई बातों को अपना होगा|

मैं अभी सफल लेखकों की श्रेणी में नहीं आया हूँ
इस से आगे पढ़ने के लिए नीचे दी गई कड़िया जांचें
क्या स्वयं-प्रकाशन लाभदायक व्यवसाय हो सकता है? (भाग 2)


My observations are based on my personal experiences and the writings of the following identities.
1.  Quora. Com
2. and the Kindle Store
4. KDP Community (Only for the Members of KDP)
9. through Google syndication. ( is a paid site)
11. – a moderate newsletter sender


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