Saturday, January 13, 2018

Free Classic Novels of Munshi Premchand (HINDI)

Do me a favour by visiting the author page on Amazon HERE -AUTHOR AMAZON PAGE.

The Classic works are forever.

Well, I would have played with a line of John Keats and say that the classic works are a joy forever.

In this post, I have collected the thumbnails on the Kindle Store to the classic novels of Munshi Premchand which can be read on Kindle free software for PC, Android and Apple. They are all free of cost or for ₹ 0/-.

It is not that they are the only classic books which are available free of cost. There are numerous such books. However, there is a need to write this post exclusively in the name of Shri Dhanpat Rai or Munshi Premchand as he was popularly known. Those who follow my blog, they may have observed that I narrate an anecdote with each post. Here also, I have an anecdote to narrate which I use as a reason to select only the novels of Munshi Premchand. I am sure that it will interest those who are interested in reading Hindi literature and writing blogs.

It was way back in 2005 when I started to blog. Every blog writer desires that his posts become popular and his blog gets regular visitors. I do not have any professional training like that of SEOs to accomplish such a task. I have learned through hit and trial. In those days, the Blogger site allowed and it still allows, to insert the codes of site meter reading devices. I opted for sitemeter. Now, this URL takes you to some different site. Anyhow, coming back to my story, the site meter provided some data about the visitors to your site. Gradually I learned that some visitors to my site had used the search term "premchand". I started searching for this term. I learned that the C-DAC, the department of the Government of India in those days had displayed a huge collection of Indian literature. But when I accessed that site, I was not able to collect anything from there which I could read with my scant knowledge of computers and software. You were expected to learn the whole engineering to make use of those resources. It is one of the shortcomings of the resources provided by the Government of India that they are not intuitive in nature. Well, remaining on my story, I was able to locate a site by one Raman Kaul. He was probably a computer professional. He had converted all the contents of the government site into UTF-8 and displayed it on his site. I gave a link to his site on my blog at SUMIR-HISTORY. Then, a miracle happened. Suddenly, the visit to my blog increased. I had done nothing. I had just given a link to the site of Raman Kaul which is still alive at  Munshi Premchand's Stories. The visitors posted comments in my praise. The search engines upgraded my site. The term 'Munshi Premchand Ki Kahaniya' was a wonder term. It is from there I learned that there is a huge readership still seeking his works.

Now, being a regular explorer of the Kindle store and also interested in watching my own title that I had written, I observed and located a large number of classic titles which were available free of cost. From there, I have intentionally collected the works of Munshi Premchand to write this post with the reason which I have already narrated as an anecdote. I will definitely write another post of a similar kind wherein I will act as a curator to some good literature, especially in the non-fiction category. Here is the collection. It is all in HINDI.

Do me a favour by visiting the author page on Amazon HERE -AUTHOR AMAZON PAGE.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thus, I Wrote a Book


It is an advertisement. It is an advertisement in self promotion. I am going to blow my own trumpet in my own appreciation.

I will not like that anyone may feel that he or she has wasted his or her time reading the whole post. In brief, I have published an ebook. The thumbnail display is given below.

The rest of the post follows after this display.

This is my first ebook. It is my third book that is published and available to the readers.

It is not that I have written only three books. I have written some books related to courses concerning different level of academic courses but that is a different story.

The book is published on Kindle Direct Publication (KDP) under their Self Publication paradigm. It is written in Hindi. It falls under the category of Literature and Short story. The whole book is a single story in itself of an unclassified category.

The book is based on the content of one of my blog. In other words, it is 'a blog to a book' product. In simpler terms, I have converted one of my blog into a book.

The name of the blog is 'Sumir Sharma Hindi Main'. The blog was started in 2005. I always desire to write in Hindi. However, due to some technical hindrances, I am not able to pursue it aggressively. I can type in English at a good speed. Therefore, whenever, I get a chance to write on the Internet or for publication, I prefer to write in English.

Secondly, way back in 2005, when I wished to write in Hindi on the Internet, there were not enough models and methods for people like us who did not have the required knowledge of computers, to write in Hindi. In those days, the Internet speed was also very slow. Secondly, there were regular electricity cuts for a long period which continued for days together. I virtually struggled to show something in Devanagari Script on the Internet. However there were some people already writing it in Hindi on the Internet. I was able to establish contact with them and with their help I was able to write that blog.

Now, it is easy to say that you can write. When you attempt to write for a wider audience, you find lack of faith in your ownself. Sometimes, you are not able to appreciate your own writing. You fear criticism. You fear that nobody would read it. You fear that it will be a mere wastage of time. Soon, you realise that you stand nowhere.

I generally write in Hindi. However, when I got the chance to write the blog in Hindi after learning it from my friends on the Internet, I found that I had nothing substantial to write for my blog. I had written some poems in my childhood. I did not have the confidence in the quality of those poems. The need was to put something in Hindi on the Internet. I had the ready material with me. It was merely an experiment to display something in Hindi. Secondly, poems are generally shorter in length. Therefore, I displayed some of the poems on that blog. It was a surprise for me that I received some encouraging comments on them. It increased my enthusiasm and gave me encouragement. However, during this whole struggle, the friends on the Internet continued to help me to improve my skills on writing in Hindi on the Internet. I even wrote a story at that time. Even, that story brought me some appreciation from unknown quarters. It all happened on the Internet. There are evidences of these activities still showing on my blog.

Now, the whole of this activity is compressed into an ebook form. That is the story which I have presented in the book. The title of book is 'Ek Kahani Kuch Kavitayan'. In English, it can be called as 'One Story Few Poems'.

I had learned about Kindle Direct Publication (KDP) or rather had downloaded their software somewhere in the beginning of 2017. Earlier, I had discontinued my activity of publishing books with traditional Publishers. I was confined to blogging. The Kindle Direct Publication has provided an opportunity to self publish your work. I find it as an opportunity to fulfil my earlier dreams. I want to execute my earlier dream plans into a reality. I have started working on all those projects which I once dreamed to publish through traditional method.

I had set a target to come up with a book this year. My work is still continuing. In the meantime, I tried to enquire from the Amazon people (The KDP is a part of Amazon.) that if I could publish in Hindi. They suggested me a way out. But, again there was a technical problem. It was just a chance that I happened to acquire Anmol Fonts from one of my acquaintance. I have Kruti Fonts, Mangal Fonts, and many more such Fonts already with me. But, I was never able to become comfortable with them. However, Anmol Fonts are more user friendly. I had already this plan in my mind to convert my experiences on blogging in Hindi into a story.

My work on my other titles is still in progress. The year was coming to end and I was not ready with my manuscript. I got this idea that I must try to practice typing on the Anmol Fonts. I visualized a plan to write that story which I wished to write. In short, I was able to collect the material which could be converted into a book. I tried to format it on the Kindle Textbook Creator. To my surprise, I was able to compile a book. In this manner, this book was written.

I believe that those who have read it up to here may have liked this story. However, the book that is mentioned here, is in Hindi.  

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hunt for the Best Available Price Tag

I have been reading some old titles. Such titles are available free of cost in pdf format from different websites. However, I have bought their Kindle edition from the Kindle bookstore. It was not a well thought out approach. I knew about the title. I did not care to acquire such books. However, when I located them in Kindle bookstore, I tried to explore the contents of such books. I found the price quite cheap. I knew that it was available free of cost from other different sources like Internet Archives or Google books. Such books are available in pdf format. However, I have found the Kindle software more user-friendly interface. Therefore, I opted to pay a small amount to acquire it.

Gradually I learned that the same title was available for a more lesser price on the Kindle bookstore itself. The old titles are published by different publishers on the Kindle bookstore with different price tags. Some publishers charge more than the other. The contents are same, but there is a big difference in prices from publisher to publisher. It is all there in Kindle bookstore. For a single author, whose work has come out of copyright clauses and now available as open source, are being recycled by different publishers as digital books. The new thing which they bring in is the formatting of the content of the book. The price is very less. However, from publisher to publisher, there is a difference in price tag. The main feature is that they try to format the content in digital format. One publisher will make an index of the chapter in a way that it becomes easier to navigate through the subject matter. The other publisher may format them in some different way. Probably, that may be the reason for the difference in prices.

However, such a price difference for the same title has become a cause of dissatisfaction also. I bought a book of an author for a particular price. Gradually, I learn that the same title is available in a lesser amount but with better formatting that helps me more to navigate through the contents of the title. In case of a cheaper book, the format is more functional and practical. Now, this brings in the dissatisfaction. I present below two case studies to show my point.

Case Study One

Second Purchase: ₹38/-

Name of the title:

Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

Length of Pages: 452

Publisher: Oregan Publishing (26 June, 2017)

Kindle ASIN: B073GYW7W2

I bought this edition on September 30, 2017. I had this title in my Kindle library already. However, I bought it because it was formatted differently. Navigating between the chapters of 9 volumes was easy.

On the other hand, the first bought of the same title had following particulars.

Name of the title:

Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

First Purchase: ₹ 349/-

Length of Pages: 4361

Publisher: The name of the Publisher is not given but in the description on the Kindle website, it is stated the proceed from the sale would go to the Advaita Ashrama founded by Swami Vivekananda.

Kindle ASIN: B004NIFSQ6

A Commentary:

The titles are same. However, there is the difference in prices. The difference in price is quite vast. Secondly, The first purchase claims that it has 4361 pages. The second purchase claims that it has 452 pages. However, Kindle software is not displaying the page numbers. It shows only the location and the total count of location in the following purchase is 63829. In case of the first purchase, it is 63837. The difference in the quantity of the content is caused by the editorial notes. However, both the editorials are claimed to have been written on July 4, 1907.

In short, I bought the same title for different prices. The contents are same, but there is a considerable difference in price and published dates.

There are many more issues concerning this title. However, presently, I am here to present my point on the difference of rates on the same title which is available on Kindle Book Store. The contents are virtually identical, but there is a vast difference in price. One can access the whole content on different websites. Some of them allow free download. However, to use Kindle software I bought it directly from the Kindle bookstore. However, when I find that there is a considerable price difference for the same content, then I have every reason to express my dissatisfaction.

Case Study Two.

Second Purchase:

Name of the title:

The Complete Works of William Walker Atkinson (Unabridged)

Price: ₹ 48/-

Length of pages: 7920

Publisher: e-artnow; 2 edition (March 3, 2016)


Date of Bought: December 28, 2016.

It is a vast volume. It contains a large number of titles published by W. W. Atkinson. It includes the title 'Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism'. In this title, the author keeps on repeating that many more things will be explained in the next volume and that is titled as "Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. The compilation includes that title also. I bought it for ₹ 48/-

First Purchase:

Name of the Title:

Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism.

Length of pages: 270


Publisher: Not specified

Kindle ASIN: B007PF9C9S

Date of Bought: December 26, 2016.

The Commentary:

The contents of this title are same as it is given in Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. The only difference is in the use of the term Fourteen.

Now here also, the price difference is quite vast. If you observe the details, I had bought these two titles within a gap of two days. The cause was that the writer therein, who claims himself to be Yogi Ramacharaka kept on repeating in the book that he would explain many more things in his Advance course.

In the compilation published under the name of W. W. Atkinson, I found both the titles. I paid far less. I received far more on W. W. Atkinson in my second purchase.

Secondly, in case of publisher e-artnow, the date of publication of each title is not mentioned. However, the different titles published by W. W. Atkinson are published by various publishers with different price tags. However, in case of e-artnow, I believe, I have received virtually all the available titles. The only shortcoming is that the publisher has not mentioned the date of publication of each title. I have reviewed a large number of his titles on this very blog. I had mentioned this shortcoming in case of one or two reviews.

In short, at different prices, you purchase the same content. All these titles and purchases can be made at Kindle bookstore.

My Argument:

In case of some titles, which have come out of copyright clause, different publishers are republishing those titles. The contents are same. However, the various publishers charge different rates.

The Kindle store, as well as in its Feedback links which are given at the end of each display of the book, meant for selling, provides the purchasers to share their dissatisfaction with the product. In case of books, they allow reporting inappropriate claims, copyright issues, and wrong formatting. It is quite fair. I have found and observed that in case of one publisher, who had overstated his claim, the Kindle had stopped the sale of title by that publisher. However, being a reader, you are more motivated towards the content and the author. You do not want to spend time in raising issues and getting involved in such contentions which may strain your resources. I leave to the Kindle and Amazon people to consider the issues raised in this post if they happen to come across it. If I write to Amazon people, then I will prefer to spend time in writing the reviews than to act like a whistleblower.

For the general readers, I have this message for them. If you are interested in some title, then explore the various options provided there. Do not take quick decisions to buy at the spur of the wimps. This approach can be adopted in case of those titles which are now out of copyright clauses and available free of cost. If you prefer, Amazon and Kindle backed titles, even then, have the patience to explore the Kindle site. You may get a better prize for the same title.

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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Metaphysics: A Very Short Introduction by Stephen Mumford

Metaphysics: A Very Short Introduction by Stephen Mumford published by Oxford University Press, 2012.

Are you a Materialist?

Are you a follower of Hume? Do you believe that the empirical observation is the only right way to do the science?

If the answer to the above questions is YES then this book is not for you. Do not read it. If you do then you will not like to give good comments on it. You may come up with such comments that the Metaphyscist would smile at your stupidity if even you are a science expert.

I bought this book because I have read a book on Hermeneutics in the same series. It is a cheaper than that book. Secondly, I thought that Metaphysics deals with soul, spirit, God, esoteric science, will power etc. I wanted to have an expert view on it. I searched for Stephen Mumford. I found that he is in service teacher (presently on resarch leave). I bought it.

I read it and found that I did not have the right understanding of this topic. I got some glimpse of the actual meaning of the subject. I believe that I have done an actual metaphysics.

I definitely exercised a big level of perseverance, continuity and consistency in reading this book. However, I can not say that I have understood everything. I want to accept that many a times I pretended to have understood but in reality I did not gather much. However, wherever I was able to sustain good understanding and continuity, it had definitely refined my ability to exercise my thoughts.

The chapter making is very fascinating.

The first chapter is "What is an Introduction?" I am unable to decide to which side or to whom this question is directed.

In the chapter there is no clear cut definition of Metaphysics. One may imagine after reading the chapter that the writer is making you comfortable with the topic and it is his way of encouraging you to seek a glimpse of the subject. One may believe that he will give something substantial in the next chapter.

I also approached the next chapter with some expectation. But the title of the chapter was "What is a Table?" Well, as far I am concerned, I have never asked this question to myself or to someone. I take it granted that everyone knows that what is a table. But, when I ended the reading, which I was able to do without knowing anything about Metaphysics, I stopped paused to think and evaluate to know my gain in knowledge. After some efforts I learned that I have learned about the particular and properties concepts. But I failed to understand the idea of red colour snooker balls. I am definitely going to read this small book once again.

The story did not end here. The next question or the chapter is, "What is a Circle". Well, that is one question which one may come across in the classroom of mathematics teacher once in his life time. However, I did not learn any thing about pie or any calculation about the circle, but whatever I was made to think and perceive about circle was definitely something new. The writer took hold of the movement of my thought process and then juggled it. Then came the topics on change, cause, time, person, and possible. These were things which I knew earlier but after reading them, I came to know that I could know them in a better way. However, in the case of some chapters, I was not able to sustain my attention and comprehension. I pretended to understand them but I was not clear on what I had read. There was no technical jargon, no Latin or Grecian words but even then I failed to make a coherent sense out of them. It became more apparent in the chapter Nothing Something. I accept that I have never thought in that manner.

The last chapter begins with the topic What is Metaphysics? Can you get a sense out of it?

The chapter What is Metaphysics could have been the first chapter. However, it is the last chapter. Secondly, in this chapter, again you do not get any definition of Metaphysics. The only phrase which I can remember is that it is a acrobatics of Thoughts. The writer has given the scope and range of the subject of Metaphysics. But, I am not able to identify any statement which can be used to say that this is Metaphysics. However, there is an uncanny feeling that I may not have found the definition of Metaphysics but I have worked and thought like a Metaphysicist. 

I am ready to read this book once again.

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Thursday, July 6, 2017

Hermeneutics: A Very Short Introduction by Jens Zimmermann

Hermeneutics: A Very Short Introduction by Jens Zimmermann, OUP, 2015 (Second Impression First Edition). Hampshire, UK.

ebook ISBN 978– 0– 19– 150854– 7

How deeply, strongly, ardently, loudly and extremely, I wish that the definition of History that it is a study of Past, should be demolished, destroyed, annihilated, extinguished and removed from the world of human consciousness. It is debarring humanity from exercising the art of interpretation whereas, in History, there is the first ground to exercise it. No doubt, in the field of law and science, it is also exercised.

How did I find this book?

After every post, I display some advertisements. I do not have any fixed plan or policy that I adopt in order to execute the activity. However, I definitely follow some steps.

After ending the reading of the book and then writing down my observations which actually is a continuous process that runs along with the reading of the book, I get influenced by this activity. The influence here means that some phrases, ideas or understanding dominates my perception and consciousnesses. That aspect is definitely present in forms of Words. Those words become the search words on Kindel store.

The search on Kindle store display some titles. Now, I try to pick those titles. One of the major criteria is the price. If it is too costly like crossing ₹500/- I do not consider it at all. If the prices are less than that I go through the basic introduction on it as displayed on the Kindle website. I do not give much time to it. I make quick decision to collect the code and then display it in the blog in the Advertisement section.

This is not the right approach. It involves the issue of ethics. I should not display a title which I have not read. Keeping aside this ethical issue, I generally myself explore the contents of the books as far as it is given in the 'Inside Look' feature. Apart from the price factor, another criterion which works is the name of the author, topic and publisher. There are always many questions which remain unanswered. I have been dealing with topics like Conscious and Subconscious, Logic, Perception, Mind, Religious Studies, History etc. Among all these concepts and ideas, the very act of driving meaning in brain or Mind is in itself an issue. In other words, it is called interpretation.

One generally hears that one should be logical in his reasoning. One should be rational. One should be analytical. One should be intelligent. What are all these expectations? These are the issues which I am trying to settle. Among all these, the issue of interpretation is one of the issues.

While collecting, reviewing, evaluating, browsing, exploring different titles and contents, I came across the books of Oxford University Press. I remember that I got attracted towards it when I located a title on Post Modernism. The "Inside Look" did not attract me much. However, it definitely showed me that there are books by OUP in e-book form. By now, if one checks the different display in the advertisement section, it can be easily found, that I have displayed more books by Penguin Publication.

When I had written a review on Logic by W. W. Atkinson, it was then, I located this book Hermeneutics. The prize was good. The publisher is with a reputation of credibility. It is another thing, that for we Indians, the very perception and intellectual activity in the field of western literature, science and philosophy are initiated, framed, nurtured and guided by Oxford University since the days of Charles Wood Dispatch and first three Universities of India. The rest of the story may bring another set of names and authors. But the story begins from there. However, if one goes deeper into this issue, then, it was Raja Rammohan Roy who pioneered the publication of contents based on Western science, literature and Philosophy along with David Hare, the Watch Maker. He did it not only in case of Western Thought and Culture but also in case of Sanskrit and Bengali language. William Jones had also directed the attention to the world of thoughts and philosophy available in Sanskrit and Apasbrham Languages (other languages of India).

Coming back to the act of selection, the requirements of understanding further the act of interpretation, which I am of the view, is the first act to be performed by the Brain and Mind, in which order you may prefer to say, a publisher with credibility and the right pricing, made me select this title.   

Short, then very short and an hourly history:

We want a long car. We want a big house. We want a long holiday. We want a large share. We want a big bank balance. But we want a brief explanation. The factors of Long and Big are not entertained there. Who has decided it? Survey – What Survey? Some Legal Judgement- What for? No, but it is the norm. Be Brief. Be precise. You get Blogging. Then, it was soon followed by Micro Blogging.   The Selfies came in place of travelogues. The game of cricket began with Test Matches. Now it is 20-20. But, the contracts have to be elaborate. There is an incongruity in it. Anyhow, you want a short explanation and presentation. But what is this Very Short? Why is this Hourly History? Even the author of the title, Hermeneutics – A Very Short Introduction, Jens Zimmermann, had tackled this issue in his first contact with his reader in the Preface.

However, the writer has not shown any irritation with this term Short and then Very Short. He has tried to arrange a plan to justify the meaning of the title by giving his game plan to tell the meaning of Hermeneutics. Even then, he has taken up more than 160 pages. That is really good work in the act of doing it in Very Short format. Surprising, even the OUP is going for it. The Commerce is the ruling norm. That is the only conclusion for this Very Short format.  Surprising, even the OUP is going for it. The Commerce is the ruling norm. That is the only Conclusion.

Hermeneutics as it is for me in brief:

It is an art of interpretation.

By using the words of the writer, it is, "hermeneutics is the art of understanding and of making oneself understood". (The actual reference is not being reproduced here.)

For me, Hermeneutics is important more than all the acts like being logical, being a thinking person, being an intelligent person. You do Hermeneutics, the rest will follow on its own. The rest of the things, like, sense organs, perceptions, memory are all merely instinctive activities. They happen even if you are not scientific or educated. However, if Hermeneutics is understood, the rest can be tackled. 

I read about Hermeneutic in the book by B. Sheik Ali. I will not comment on it. Then I came across E. H. Carr and his work What is History. Therein, he has ultimately concluded that History is what the Historian tells. In answer to a question that what actually is the nature of history, he tells, that it is a continuous dialogue between present and past. He tells that that this dialogue is the interpretation. The Past cannot be revived. But it lays below and then throws out you the answers to your questions in your present. It is there for you to interpret. This is also done by a Judge in his court. He is never a witness to the crime. But he is there to give the judgement. He does it on the basis of interpretation. Similarly, Collingwood has taken up the aspect of the interpretation. But, he has gone to the theory of recreating the thought. In every case, it is the interpretation which matters in our existence. No doubt, I was definitely justified in buying this title.

Jens' Treatment of the Subject:

The writer is highly qualified. He has two PhD. I have none. 

He is in-service teacher and scholar. It is well reflected in his work and treatment of the topic. Even the Appendix is a chapter in itself on the lines of a Very Short factor. It is not as an elaborate Bibliographical Essays as you find in the case of Cambridge Press works or other publication. The writer is a teacher, therefore, he has dealt with the subject in a way that it may help the scholars who may be pursuing some course. You can read this book in three to four hours and get a very effective understanding that can help you to write a good description of Hermeneutics.

This book has seven chapters and one Appendix. I consider Appendix as a chapter here and therefore, there are eight chapters. These eight chapters are spread over 140 pages. The total pages are 160. One can read it one sitting of three to four hours. The language is lucid. There are not too many archaic words or the writer has not tried to impress the reader with that kind of approach. If one can use the internet while reading, there is no need to take help of any other person for any elaboration.

I divide the eight chapters into three sections. The first section is about defining the term. It is done in the first three chapters. The writer gives a definition. He provides its history.

The second section deals with the application of the concept Hermeneutics. He gives a demonstration of this aspect in the fields of Humanities, Theology, Law and Science.

I propose to make the third section of a single chapter and even that is an Appendix. It substantiates well and as per the requirement of the academic needs.

Importance to Language.

I read about memory development. There are many authors, motivation books and experts. It all boils down to two things. They are visual sensations and auditory sensations. One can find it on its own that many experts lay emphases more on visual sensations for developing memory. However, this writer is very emphatic and he does it by giving assertions that it is the sound of the words which are more important for your brain and mind. He has given more importance to the Language as an important factor. It is up to you to learn it that when this psychic act comes into play, of which, you are actually made of, that it is done in words. If you want to say that I think, it is the words which come into play. You communicate with the use of words. Have anyone of you conversed merely by posting selfies, icons and similes? You use some caption or some comment on it. Even then, on your own side, these are the words which make you conscious that you are there. Hence, the language, the stream of words, this stream of audio and visual combinations, make your real perception. A lens of a Camera does not do photography on its own.

Use of the Pronoun 'SHE'.

In order to refer to an interpreter in a sentence, the writer has used the pronoun she whereas I expect that it has to be an HE.

Similarly, in order to refer to the researchers in the field of science, the writer has used the pronoun she whereas it is expected that the perfect word can be He. A scientist is qualified as she in a compound sentence.

I have listened to brotherhood more often or rather every time, but he is particular to lay emphasis on sisterhood. In Hindi, I am accustomed to the term Bhaichara. But, I do not think and remember that I have ever come across the term Bhenchara. That is another thing, that I have never come across a term Bheno Ka Bhaichara. Well, it is not an issue but I was just wondering if the boys were using 'HOOD' and then why did the girls also go for the HOOD.

I have no problem with it. It is acceptable. I have a reason for that. In the section on Hermeneutics and Science, he has attempted to give an explanation. He has selected an example of the working of a scientist in order to explain the idea of understanding. He referred to an experiment with a rat. He uses the pronoun SHE while referring to that rat. Attention the Feminist Movement. Check it. It is given on the page 121.rat. Attention the Feminist Movement. Check it. It is given on page 121.

However, I really want to understand the term VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION.

Edited on July 9, 2017

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